Incorrect parsing of HL7 elements and possible wrong matching of DICOM attribute and HL7 element

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Philipp Schulte

Jun 27, 2019, 3:09:13 AM6/27/19
Hello everybody,

I'm new with DCM4CHEE and currently try to generate MWL-Items using HL7 messages. There are two things that confusing me:

1. If I enter in my HL7 message generation procedure the following line for the patient name in PID segment definition then the name definition is not parsed, but the entered value is unparsed saved in the archive.
strPID += GetStringValueORDefault(patientData.PatientName, "FamiliName^GivenName") + strFieldSeparator;  //SEQ = 5; Element Name = Patient Name
In case of an empty record element "patientData.PatientName" the archive shows the new patient "FamilyName^GivenName " instead of "GivenName FamilyName". In principle this action is correct according to the HL7 conformance statement (, but does not implement the HL7 standard correctly for me. For other elements a HL7 message (e.g. Referring Physician's Name [PV1:8] or Scheduled Procedure Step ID [IPC:4]) the DCM4CHEE archive handles correctly and separates the differnt components. Is it a bug or needs this part of the archive still more time for development?

2. In the HL7 conformance statement ( the DICOM attribute "Patient Species Description" as well as the associated sequence are referenced to the HL7 message element PID:35 (and the related components of the element). According to the HL7 standard description (see this website: the PID:35 element contains the "Taxonomic Classification Code" and not any form of species related information. In my opinion the DICOM attribute "Patient Species Description" has to be linked to the PID:10 (Race) or PID:22 (Ethnic Group) element of the HL7 message.

Is there something wrong from my side?

Thanks for your help.


vrinda nayak

Jun 27, 2019, 5:03:07 AM6/27/19
to dcm4che
1) Referring Physician Name is handled in the same way as the Patient Name. If you send HL7 Order message to archive you see both attributes as FamilyName^GivenName. See attached (PV1-segment-field-8.png and MWL-ReferringPhysicianName-PatientName.png)
2) See attached (PID-35_description.png and PID-segment-DICOM-attributes-mapping.png) taken from HL7 v2.5 specification for the PID segment field 35.

Philipp Schulte

Jun 27, 2019, 8:37:57 AM6/27/19
to dcm4che
Thank you for your quick Response.
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