I found an incompatibilty of Weasis-Portable 1.2.3 with Windows 8 due to jai-lib not compatibles.
You have 2 way to solve this issue: start weasis with compatibity mode enabled (Windows 7 is enough) or you can add this to ini file
-Dos.name="Windows 7"
I have also created a custom version of executable that can use a bundled JRE.
You can simply add the folder called jre7 in the same path of .exe and, if correct version of java is not present in the system, it starts the bundled jre.
To create it i have used a custom version of launch4j. In the original version launch4j use the bundled JRE also if is present in the system. It's a good solution if you start the viewer from an HDD, but became really slow if it's started from Optical Media; then, for our purpose, is better to try to start the installed JRE and if is not present or is not compatible start the bundled one.
Due to incompatibility of ImageIO library and x64 RunTime i also skipped the check of availabilty of 64 bit RunTime.
You can find the modified executable and ini file attached to this post.