Configuring Teaching Files - help requested

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Greg Silverman

Sep 9, 2013, 6:48:04 PM9/9/13
I am slowly trying to wade my way through understanding the architecture of the source code for dcm4chee-arc so that I can get the TCE Receiver working for displaying images sent to the Teaching File system. To successfully do this, I believe I need a new AE named for this that is bound to a new file system and Store SCP. 

The problem I am running into is that there is virtually no documentation for how to configure the Teaching File system (does the Teaching File system require a different port, for example). I am assuming it works since the client is available in the legacy web app, and since there is a Teaching-Files tab in dcm4chee-web3. In a nutshell, when I do a Wado request in dcm4chee-web3 my images display (in Weasis) without any problem. However, when I export the study to a teaching file (using the legacy web app), the image does not display (Weasis opens wihtout any images), but the structured reports do display with all the values entered in the legacy web app's TC Manger.

Has anyone out there successfully gotten this working? I am getting no errors in the log, so not sure what is not working. In fact, it appears that everything is working.

I am going nuts in trying to figure this out, since I am sure it is something trivial in a configuration that I am overlooking.



Greg M. Silverman
Senior Developer Analyst
University of Minnesota

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