Hi gunter, thanks for the reply.
Yes, we have the option to define the file name in the download dialog, but this implies that the physician must write a file name or copy and paste it with each download. So, in general, they put the browser to save the file automatically, so they can speed up the process.
This is not a real problem if you download only a few studies a day.
But when you put that in perspective of hundreds of files a day, it becomes a job that they like to be automatic. I know it seems ridiculous simple to us, just a few clicks and keyboard entries to define the file name at the time of download, but they argue that some keyboard entries per file, become a lot of extra clicks when you have to do that with literally hundreds of files a day.
So it would be very useful if I could define a custom name for the final zip files, like "hospitalX.zip" or "hospitalX-AccN.zip", as we can do inside the final zip file with the attribute "Wado Name format ZIP input ".
This way, they will be able to use the browser's autosave function to download the files, and will be able to know which institution the file belongs to, without having to enter this information with each download.
I am here humbly making a suggestion to facilitate the work of a radiologist who downloads hundreds of exams a day in several different instances of dcm4chee at the same time.