WadoRS application/zip - Change ZIP Filename

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Clédio Moreira Paiva

Oct 17, 2020, 2:25:01 PM10/17/20
to dcm4che
hello, i'm using wado rs with DCM4CHEE-ARC-5 to download ZIP files of my studies.

im using it like this sample: "dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs/studies/"

i need to change the final zip filename... at this moment the zip filename cames as UUID.zip..

and i want to change it to "PatientAccN.zip" or "PatientID.zip" or "PatientName.zip" or even better "institution name abbreviation_" + "PatientName_" + "PatientID" .zip

Ive searched in dcm4chee attributes and found a way to change the filenames of dicom files INSIDE the final zip file... this attribute is called "Wado ZIP Entry Name Format".

But i have not found something like this to change the FINAL zip filename...

im wondering if there is a way to do this.... Thanks !


Oct 18, 2020, 4:16:06 AM10/18/20
to dcm4che
With current version of archive, there is no way to change the ZIP file name as this is always a <UID>.zip  (where <UID> = <StudyInstanceUID> or <SeriesInstanceUID> depending on the level you have selected for download)
It has been done this way as UIDs are unique. For a given patient there could be several studies and hence any of the combinations you specified above with patient specific attributes would not result in unique file names causing any of the previous downloaded ZIP files to be overwritten with the newly downloaded ZIP file. Also the AccessionNumber is a Type 2 attribute on Study level (implies may not be present for a given study) OR there could be more than one study having the same Accession Number

Clédio Moreira Paiva

Dec 9, 2020, 9:33:17 AM12/9/20
to dcm4che
Hello vrinda, thank you !

i can understand now that Accession number sometimes is not present, so you cannot name the zip like accessionNumber.zip.

I'm working with a team of physicians that make reports at 3 different dcm4chee instances from 3 different institutions at the same time.

The problem with this type of nomenclature "UUID.zip" is that the physicians cannot know wich institution the study came from (because they are downloading studies from many dcm4chee instances at the same time). and this became a real problem to them.

It will be helpful if i can make the final zip filename customizable, this way i can put the name of institution.zip for example, and it will help the physicians know where the study came from just by looking the filename.

even if the zip filename became static like "institution.zip", it will not be an issue to modern browsers like chrome or firefox, because they rename the following files automatically to "institution(1).zip", "institution(2).zip", "institution(3).zip" etc, so the zip file will not be overwrited by the next download.

The problem that im reporting is not an issue if you are downloading studies just from one institution. But became an problem on the physicians workflow, when they are downloading dozens of studies from many dcm4chee instances at the same time...

do you have some sugestion on how can i resolve this issue ?

Thank you very much !

Gunter Zeilinger

Dec 9, 2020, 9:50:38 AM12/9/20
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Don't really understand. At least Firefox asks for the file name used to save the downloaded zip, <study instance uid>.zip is just the default. So you may copy the accession number in the clipboard before clicking the download button and paste it in the save dialog of Firefox.

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Clédio Moreira Paiva

Dec 9, 2020, 10:40:12 AM12/9/20
to dcm4che
Hi gunter, thanks for the reply.

Yes, we have the option to define the file name in the download dialog, but this implies that the physician must write a file name or copy and paste it with each download. So, in general, they put the browser to save the file automatically, so they can speed up the process.

This is not a real problem if you download only a few studies a day.
But when you put that in perspective of hundreds of files a day, it becomes a job that they like to be automatic. I know it seems ridiculous simple to us, just a few clicks and keyboard entries to define the file name at the time of download, but they argue that some keyboard entries per file, become a lot of extra clicks when you have to do that with literally hundreds of files a day.

So it would be very useful if I could define a custom name for the final zip files, like "hospitalX.zip" or "hospitalX-AccN.zip", as we can do inside the final zip file with the attribute "Wado Name format ZIP input ".

This way, they will be able to use the browser's autosave function to download the files, and will be able to know which institution the file belongs to, without having to enter this information with each download.

I am here humbly making a suggestion to facilitate the work of a radiologist who downloads hundreds of exams a day in several different instances of dcm4chee at the same time.

Gunter Zeilinger

Dec 9, 2020, 11:25:15 AM12/9/20
to dcm...@googlegroups.com

but can't estimate when Shefki will find time for it.

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Clédio Moreira Paiva

Dec 9, 2020, 11:30:44 AM12/9/20
to dcm4che
Thank you very much guys !
I would like to help with something if i can, just let me know.

thanks !
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