I need urgent help, I am executing dcmqr command with toolkit , it moving dicom images to destination pacs server fine, but at the same time not storing in directory path, creates blank directory, please somebody tell me whats wrong with my below commands
Pattern 1: D:\dcmtool\dcm4che-2.0.28\bin>dcmqr -L DCM4CHEE:11112
CONQUE...@ -cmove DCM4CHEE -qPatientID=0009703828 -cstore CT -cstoredest C:\Test
Pattern 2: D:\dcmtool\dcm4che-2.0.28\bin>dcmqr -L DCM4CHEE:11112
CONQUE...@ -cmove DCM4CHEE -qPatientID=0009703828 -cstoredest C:\Test
Pattern 3: D:\dcmtool\dcm4che-2.0.28\bin>dcmqr -L DCM4CHEE:11112
CONQUE...@ -qPatientID=0009703828 -cmove DCM4CHEE -cstoredest C:\Test