I want to forward series based on the Referring Physicians Name to another PACS.
All names include the hospital "Evangelisches Krankenhause" as well.
(How) is it possible to catch all those with a single wildcard / regex / whatever?
<xsl:template match="/dataset">
<!-- Forward Series with specific Referring Physician (0008,0090) EVK -->
<xsl:if test="attr[@tag='00080090']='Evangelisches Krankenhaus^Ebene 1, STROKE-Unit'">
<destination aet="EVK-DCM4CHEE" priority="high"/>
<xsl:if test="attr[@tag='00080090']='Evangelisches Krankenhaus^Ebene 2, Chirurgie'">
<destination aet="EVK-DCM4CHEE" priority="high"/>
<xsl:if test="attr[@tag='00080090']='Evangelisches Krankenhaus^Ebene 4, Innere +(Ausweichebene 1, 2 '">
<destination aet="EVK-DCM4CHEE" priority="high"/>
Adding rules for each division seems rather fragile to me.