File deletion

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Rob McLear

Mar 2, 2014, 10:31:26 AM3/2/14

I am using local storage (/mnt/pacs/dcm4chee-2.17.3-mysql/server/default/archive/...) for an Online filesystem and Amazon S3 for a Nearline file system using S3FS.  The nearline file system is defined as tar:/mnt/s3

When I delete files that are only stored on the nearline system, the S3 objects are never deleted. Looking at the logs from dcm4chee I see entries like this:

2014-03-02 10:23:37,703 INFO  -> (Thread-2778) [org.dcm4chex.archive.util.FileUtils] M-DELETE file: /mnt/pacs/dcm4chee-2.17.3-mysql/server/default/tar:/mnt/s3/2014/2/26/20/02BAF457/CE5274D1-3344169.tar!CE5274D1/000046B9

Followed by a log entry indicating that the file was already deleted. So it seems that for some reason dcm4chee is trying to delete a file from a location that does not exist; it is looking in my PACS install directory and than adding the tar:/mnt/s3/... directory structure within that install directory.

How do I get dcm4chee to just issue the command:

M-DELETE file: tar:/mnt/s3/2014/2/26/20/02BAF457/CE5274D1-3344169.tar!CE5274D1/000046B9

Thanks in advance for any help.

-Rob McLear
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