Hello, all.
Sorry for making this URGENT. I'm new to this company and was left with a half-finished project that is due next week, the core of which is this DCM4CHE install.
Installing DCM4CHE Secure sure has been an adventure! I've started from a bare server about 10 times, getting a different unresolvable problem each time. The good news is that this has allowed me to learn a ton!
I am setting this up so that any user in my office can access it from any computer. Therefore, every place in the install steps where it says <host>, I substituted in the server's hostname. This install has both Keycloak and Wildfly on the same server. I can access the Keycloak admin console just fine, and configured the Root URL, Valid Redirect URIs, Admin URL, and Web Origins as such, with the applicable hostname.
I started Keycloak standalone with
standalone.sh -b dir-edo-ulpacs
...and Wildfly standalone with
standalone.sh -c dcm4chee-arc.xml -b dir-edo-ulpacs
Here is the Keycloak server log event that corresponds....
2020-01-10 02:02:42, 760 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-1) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=dcm4che, clientId=dcm4chee-arc-ui, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_redirect_uri, redirect_uri=http://dir-edo-ulpacs:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2
See also attached images.
I suspect there is a config file somewhere within Keycloak that needs a parameter changed from to dir-edo-ulpacs, or something similar but I don't know where to do that.
I'm on.....
DCM4CHE 5.20.0
Keycloak and Adapter 8.0.1
Wildfly 18.0.1
mySQL 8.0.18
OpenLDAP: slapd from Aug 8, 2019
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0.v20180908-M14
Many thanks in advance for the help! (