A newbie to DCM4CHE(E)

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Marc Smith

Apr 24, 2018, 3:56:09 PM4/24/18
to dcm4che
I have just started on my path of DICOM knowledge. I have managed to get DCM4CHEE installed on a localbox.

Dcm4chee Web Application
for administration of DICOM archive

Web Application

Version: 3.0.7
Build: 18497

Dicom Archive

Title: dcm4chee
Version: 2.18.3 19.01.2016

Dicom library

Title: dcm4che
Version: 1.4.34 2013-09-12

I am not sure if this is the atest version or not, not really sure where the best place to go to get more info.

My actuall first question is this.
I've used jdicom to actually recieve images as well as upload images (SCP and SCU, repsectively) however, I am guessing that I need to create the appropriate AETs in DCM4CHEE in orcer to receive files... or to 'export' them out to wherever I want them to go.

Am I oversimplifyng this? or am I on the right track? Any help, advice or questions would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Ander Zuccaro

Apr 24, 2018, 8:08:07 PM4/24/18
to dcm4che
2.18.3 is the latest version of the 2.x branch. There is a complete new PACS called dcm4chee-arc-light (https://github.com/dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light/wiki)

By default, dcm4chee 2 accepts associations from any source (promiscuous mode). You can change this behavior and many other things from the jmx-console.

If you want to store images to dcm4chee, simply use a tool that implements DICOM StoreSCU.

Here are a couple ones with a nice GUI: http://www.charruasoft.com/products/free/index.php In particular the TestSCU one. (Windows)

DCM4CHEE is the default AETitle, 11112 is the default port. If your PACS is running, it should be listening there.

You will need a couple of test DICOM files, be aware that some of the ones that you can find on line lack a patient Id and DCM4CHEE fails to accept images without a patient ID by default. Some samples: https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WEA/pages/3670030/DICOM+Samples

If the storage is successfully completed you should be able to browse the patients and studies from the web application.

Follow the same steps for dcm4chee-arc-light

Marc Smith

Apr 24, 2018, 9:01:18 PM4/24/18
to dcm4che

Thanks for your answers. I was able to get studies into the DCM4CHEE website using DCMSEND. It took a few tries to get the command line right, to walk a directory, correct AE titles, etc, but I was able to get the studies in there. I was also able to give the proper authentication to EXPORT a selected study. 

I had been using jdicom as well. I have an anonymizer tool that leaves the PatientID intact but randomizes 15 of the PHI fields so I use the files without issue. MicroDicom is the viewer I use to see images or actually header information... 

I will look at the tools you recommend as well! Thanks for your help.

Marc Smith

Apr 25, 2018, 8:38:31 AM4/25/18
to dcm4che
It's not obvious to me how you get to the 'jmx-console', can you point me in a direction?



Apr 25, 2018, 9:03:19 AM4/25/18
to dcm4che
http://localhost:8080/jmx-console   --> If you are at the same machine as dcm4chee
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