[ANN] DBXTalk CI available

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Guillermo Polito

May 9, 2014, 12:13:07 PM5/9/14
to Discusses Development of Pharo, dbx...@googlegroups.com

As I've seen lately too much movement and questions I couldn't answer about dbxtalk like

"does it work?"
"does it load?"
"what is the status?"

and answering them is a bit difficult because it depends on platform, database, pharo version, etc... I started a while ago to setup a CI server at Inria for it:

As you will see, I set up jobs for:

- the opendbx library
- the dbxtalk bindings to the opendbx library
- glorp

- the native postgresv2 driver [1]
- the native mysql protocol from [2]

And I'm testing them only in Pharo3 and for the following databases:

- sqlite3
- mysql (version 5)
- oracle
- postgres

My plan was to release as soon as I had windows support, but right now I cannot create new slaves for it :). So... this includes only linux CI support.

Note aside, you'll find the scripts that the jobs use here [3]



For those that were asking if DBXTalk is working, it is :). But also, you'll see not all tests are green: That's probably because of some changes between pharo2 and pharo3. I didn't dive into them nor wanted to fix them until I had the CI jobs (and so, the pleasure to make the build green ;)).

These are the next steps:

- add tests to test the startup (that looks a bit buggy now)
- Fix the not working tests
- Make the native Mysql and Postgres drivers polymorphic with the OpenDBX one (and so, we can (a) reuse all tests for all drivers and (b) have glorp for free for them and others that you could imagine)
- Add windows slave (that will take some time, configuring the databases, getting everything ready to compile... etc...)

Of course, if you want to contribute either to fix the jobs, or to configure new stuff, you're welcome!


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