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Python Lighting Talks

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Rob Charlwood

Jul 30, 2015, 10:04:58 AM7/30/15
to Django Bath and Bristol Users Group
Hi all,

So I have finally got a LITTLE free time and thought I would try and get another event organised for us all.
I thought we could try something a bit different this time, and rather than limiting to talks to django based subjects, we could expand the topics and allow anything Python related. 

We have a massive Python community in the south west and are loosing a big audience, networking possibilities and the opportunity to learn from other like minded pros by limiting our talks to Django specific topics. I know of people from a few companies who would be very interested in attending lighting talks for the broader spectrum of Python.

I have included a Doodle poll with some dates in September and October. This will give people plenty of notice and time. Please fill in your availability and the least problematic date shall be selected.

I have also included a Google drive spreadsheet for those who wish to put their names down for a talk.

I will have a word with the powers that be here at Potato to see if they would mind us using their spanky, shiny new offices for the event. If any body else would like to volunteer us some space to work with it would be much appreciated.

- Meet and greet at 6:00pm
- Lightning talks start at 6:30pm
- Nearest watering hole as soon as everyone has finished up.

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