DBpedia Data Quality

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Dear all,

As we all know, DBpedia is an important dataset in Linked Data as it is not only connected to and from numerous other datasets, but it also is relied upon for useful information. However, quality problems are inherent in DBpedia be it in terms of incorrectly extracted values or datatype problems since it contains information extracted from crowd-sourced content.

However, not all the data quality problems are automatically detectable. Thus, we aim at crowd-sourcing the quality assessment of the dataset. In order to perform this assessment, we have developed a tool whereby a user can evaluate a random resource by analyzing each triple individually and store the results. Therefore, we would like to request you to help us by using the tool and evaluating a minimum of 3 resources. Here is the link to the tool:
http://nl.dbpedia.org:8080/TripleCheckMate/, which also includes details on how to use it.

In order to thank you for your contributions, a lucky winner will win either a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 or an Amazon voucher worth 300 Euro. So, go ahead, start evaluating now !! Deadline for submitting your evaluations is 9th December, 2012.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at dbpedia-data-quality@googlegroups.com.

Thank you very much for your time.

DBpedia Data Quality Evaluation Team.