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Paul Mcgann

Jun 25, 2020, 9:26:53 AM6/25/20
to db-bo...@googlegroups.com
to all,

hope you are well. during covid-19 pandemic, i stay home a lot, i read

first, the nth judgment by james patterson. wow, real good  as it is
about a woman bing cat burglar as she was able toclimb uo to seocnd
floor window for ground and picked up jewelry. she was almots trapped as
a couple came up to bedroom and she watched what couple were dong. until
they fell asleep, she tried her best to sneka out of window but she
bumped table and she jumped out faster before the woman got out of bed
to check and  yelled at her husband then there was a murder.

second, a woman with a baby boy in stroll, she put her baby son in car
and put stroll in trunk and was ready, but the guy stopped asking for
help. she took out her cellphone, but gunfire occured.

sergeant lindsay abd her partner richard conklin were investigating what
happened to woman lying dead in bedroomafter cat burglar incident.

then boxer and conklin were also investigating on why a woman and baby
boy were killed.also, there were more of serial killing of mothers and

the book could have you moving to the edge of your chia.r.

the second book  i read is the pharaoh's secret. by clive cussler it is
aboutmany years ago how the pharaoh was created. then, next chapter,
there was something happened in italian island as the hospital was
filled with many people being ill. they tried to investigate why. kurt
austin and his best friend, joe zavala went through to chekc why.  the
female doctor for hosptial decided to join kurt and joe to investigate
what were going on. until they found in egypt.  kurt's two associate
paul and gamay trout were inviestgiating to find ot whyt  two riversm,
one in turnisa and other in libya were disappeared. then they found
somethng that french navy commander villeneve who battled against
england during the time of napoleon bonpasrte time. they were
checkingwhat was going  on what villeneve found.and he knew the
locations of the pharaoh's secrets. they tried to uncovere the place. as
trouts met kurt and joe, they understood about rivers and they tried
their best. at the end of the book, there was a little laugh of vice
president james sandecker who was admiral of numa.  you woudl enjoy the
book as it is excitement.

happy readuing,


Paul Mcgann

Jun 26, 2020, 10:36:01 PM6/26/20
to db-bo...@googlegroups.com
to all,

my friend came to visit me this afternoon and she shared wiht me about
books she enjoyed reading. she updatedas i didn't know. i thanked her.

i bring notes to let you know.

i did mention that clive cussler passed away last february 26 at the age
if 88.

i ddn't know about mary higgins clark and judith krauntz.

mary higgins clark always wrote suspense books as lot of thrllers.  she
passed away at agoe of 92last january 31.

judith krantz who wrote steamy romanc books passed away at the age of 91
laewst june 23, 2019.

there are some more as i wil chekf for yo soon. that is how my friend
notified to me. then recently after stair exercise, i checked and saw
three deaths, but more i wil keep yo posted.

sad reading,


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