The Ghost finished

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Chris Cook

Jan 14, 2019, 6:43:06 PM1/14/19
Hi, fellow bookworms. I just finished reading Danielle
Steele's The Ghost and will be sending back in tomorrow's
mail. What a book it was! Charlie WATERSTON read all the
journals she wrote about her life. In one part of it a
lawyer from Boston brought her a poison-pen letters written
by her first husband Edward the Earl of Balfour, who was
such an ogre. He maltreated her and broke both her heart
and spirit. Then later on after she became married to the
half French and half Indian François De Pellerin she
received word that Edward was killed in a hunting accident.
I forgot to indicate that in his nasty letter to her he
claimed that his half brother Haversham, who was in love
with Sarah, was killed in a hunting accident, but Sarah knew
Edward deliberately murdered him. In the end she remarried
François and became the mother of one boy and two girls.
Unfortunately, their reunion together was short lived. Some
man called François to doin him in the army against hostile
Indians who were making trouble for white settlers, and so
he went into war against them, and he never came back alive.
His so did come back to say farewell to Sarah. Before
Charlie read all of the journals he had given most of them
to Francesca Vironet. She and Charlie had a bit in common.
They were in love with spouses who weren't all that good.
Carole, Charlie's first wife, left him for another man who
was much older than both, and called to say they would be
getting married, and later on called to say that she was
having a baby. Francesca's husband Pierre had left her for
another woman, who was French like him, and the other woman
gave birth to two babies, a boy and a girl. Both she and
Charlie were so hurt by these betrayals of the people they
loved and thought loved them. Charlie was so moved by the
loss Sarah had of François that it brought tears to his eyes
after he read the final journal, which was written by her
second daughter. He saw again the ghost of Sarah Ferguson
moving through the room and then she vanished. After
Francesca had been on a trip to France to meet Pierre just
one time and then come back, she had expressed to Charlie
about how stupid she was. When they first met each other
she had been cold and hostile. At the end of the story they
returned to the house where Sarah had lived and was so busy
chatting together that they didn't see her ghost watching
them through a second story window and smiling down on them
with satisfaction. Then Sarah vanished behind a curtain and
the couple made it to her bedroom where they rested. Some
of the story was so moving. I was touching by some of it.

Piergiorgio Morten

Jan 14, 2019, 7:42:15 PM1/14/19
WOW What a book!! Thanks for feedback on that book!! 
Happy reading 

Pg.Morten Sent from my Amethyst iPad mini 4  

On Jan 14, 2019, at 3:44 AM, Chris Cook <> wrote:

Hi, fellow bookworms.  I just finished reading Danielle Steele's The Ghost and will be sending back in tomorrow's mail.  What a book it was! Charlie WATERSTON read all the journals she wrote about her life.  In one part of it a lawyer from Boston brought her a poison-pen letters written by her first husband Edward the Earl of Balfour, who was such an ogre.  He maltreated her and broke both her heart and spirit.  Then later on after she became married to the half French and half Indian François De Pellerin she received word that Edward was killed in a hunting accident.  I forgot to indicate that in his nasty letter to her he claimed that his half brother Haversham, who was in love with Sarah, was killed in a hunting accident, but Sarah knew Edward deliberately murdered him.  In the end she remarried François and became the mother of one boy and two girls.  Unfortunately, their reunion together was short lived.  Some man called François to doin him in the army against hostile Indians who were making trouble for white settlers, and so he went into war against them, and he never came back alive.  His so did come back to say farewell to Sarah.  Before Charlie read all of the journals he had given most of them to Francesca Vironet.  She and Charlie had a bit in common.  They were in love with spouses who weren't all that good.  Carole, Charlie's first wife, left him for another man who was much older than both, and called to say they would be getting married, and later on called to say that she was having a baby.  Francesca's husband Pierre had left her for another woman, who was French like him, and the other woman gave birth to two babies, a boy and a girl.  Both she and Charlie were so hurt by these betrayals of the people they loved and thought loved them.  Charlie was so moved by the loss Sarah had of François that it brought tears to his eyes after he read the final journal, which was written by her second daughter.  He saw again the ghost of Sarah Ferguson moving through the room and then she vanished.  After Francesca had been on a trip to France to meet Pierre just one time and then come back, she had expressed to Charlie about how stupid she was.  When they first met each other she had been cold and hostile.  At the end of the story they returned to the house where Sarah had lived and was so busy chatting together that they didn't see her ghost watching them through a second story window and smiling down on them with satisfaction.  Then Sarah vanished behind a curtain and the couple made it to her bedroom where they rested.  Some of the story was so moving.  I was touching by some of it.

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Chris Cook

Jan 14, 2019, 8:02:08 PM1/14/19
Thanks Pier. I o just how it feels to have to be with
people who seem to love us and whom we love, but it turns
out that they don't care all that much, or not at all I
also know how it feels to have one's heart broken:. I won't
go to to much about it, but more than once
i have my heart broken by females whom I had been in love
with or very fond of, and it turned out that they weren't
all that good.
Chris ----- Original Message -----
From: Piergiorgio Morten <
Date sent: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:42:04 -0800
Subject: Re: [DB-Bookworms] The Ghost finished

WOW What a book!! Thanks for feedback on that book!!
Happy reading

Pg.Morten Sent from my Amethyst iPad mini 4

On Jan 14, 2019, at 3:44 AM, Chris Cook
<> wrote:

Hi, fellow bookworms. I just finished reading Danielle
Steele's The Ghost and will be sending back in tomorrow's
mail. What a book it was! Charlie WATERSTON read all the
journals she wrote about her life. In one part of it a
lawyer from Boston brought her a poison-pen letters written
by her first husband Edward the Earl of Balfour, who was
such an ogre. He maltreated her and broke both her heart
and spirit. Then later on after she became married to the
half French and half Indian Fran챌ois De Pellerin she
received word that Edward was killed in a hunting accident.
I forgot to indicate that in his nasty letter to her he
claimed that his half brother Haversham, who was in love
with Sarah, was killed in a hunting accident, but Sarah knew
Edward deliberately murdered him. In the end she remarried
Fran챌ois and became the mother of one boy and two girls.
Unfortunately, their reunion together was short lived. Some
man called Fran챌ois to doin him in the army against
hostile Indians who were making trouble for white settlers,
and so he went into war against them, and he never came back
alive.. His so did come back to say farewell to Sarah.
Before Charlie read all of the journals he had given most of
them to Francesca Vironet. She and Charlie had a bit in
common. They were in love with spouses who weren't all that
good. Carole, Charlie's first wife, left him for another
man who was much older than both, and called to say they
would be getting married, and later on called to say that
she was having a baby. Francesca's husband Pierre had left
her for another woman, who was French like him, and the
other woman gave birth to two babies, a boy and a girl.
Both she and Charlie were so hurt by these betrayals of the
people they loved and thought loved them. Charlie was so
moved by the loss Sarah had of Fran챌ois that it brought

Paul Mcgann

Jan 14, 2019, 11:23:53 PM1/14/19
to, Chris Cook
Re: [DB-Bookworms] The Ghost finished

is that danielle steele, the author, the one who writes romance books?

happy reading,

Paul Mcgann

Jan 14, 2019, 11:28:27 PM1/14/19
to, Chris Cook
to all,

there is new book appearing in kindle from amazon.

i know my cousin, tina's husband brian casey is writing mystery book
called necessary sin. i haven't read yet, since kindle is not enough of
accessible for my iphone. i wil try to get it done to use kindle.
hopefully it will be  successful. so i am  looking forward to try the
new book.

happy reading,


Piergiorgio Morten

Jan 14, 2019, 11:28:42 PM1/14/19
She writes any of novels such as trilled’ romance’ mystery & other! 

Pg.Morten Sent from my Amethyst iPad mini 4  
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