small note

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Paul Mcgann

May 23, 2020, 3:37:56 PM5/23/20
to all,

i got a text fro one deafblind friend and a hearing friend as they asked
me about my recolleciton for the past. i said yes.i thought abuot it as
i decide to let you all to know somehting.

there is a book titled "of such small difference" by joanne greenberg.
it was published in 1988. it is a fiction story about deafblind man
named john moon. the book tells the way of how deafblind culture s all
about. and how john moon writing poems. and how john coming up to help
other deafblind people.

yes, in the book joanne spoke fondly of bob and michelle smithdas. and
even she had bob helping her with poems. he did as she was pleased.

personally, i did meet joanne greenberg. she was ice as she lives in
denver, as where michelle smithdas' parents used to live closer to her
home. i met her at aadb conveniton in 1986 as rod macdonald invited her
after bob instructed him of her. joanne socialzed around with many db
people. i watched her actions as she sat down with john washington and
john foley. later she came back to aadb in 1988 in louisiana asw she
announced of the book and she spoke to all. then i was able to pick up
her book and brought home to read.  in 1989, we had aadb conveniton in
colorado spring, during the banquet night,  sat down on the head table.
joanne sat beside me with my late wife. joanne and i were chatting
atogether and she asked me about the book. i explained to her as she
appreicated it. she said my thoughts were pureand she thought it means a
lot. she said for all db who read the book, she hops to have any db to
come up with some deas to write autobiogrpahy or fiction books.

when  it was time for awards to do, karen noticed henry buzzard, db man
who was retired librarian and was former second vice president as i was
the one who replaced him.henry needed to look for an interpreter, but no
interpreter by him, then karen offered to interpret and i sat behind her
and had my hands over her handstactillely and followed her relaying of
thepresenations of awards to henry who listened to all four people who
got awards. after that, henry said he was surprised i understood karen's
signings so weill. then joanne tapped on my shoulder and i said yes.
joanne said how possible yo can read signs as yo sit behind an
interpreterand follow. i said well, i did that for years after i lived
in brooklyn while i was student at hknc. joanne asked me f i can do wiht
anyone like htis. i said yes.she said she wished she woudl wrte small
part n book what she saw what i did to karen. i told her that karen
taled to me in her sleep. sjoanne said really. karen laughe.d

happy reading,


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