F5J at Twin Towers 5-6 August

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Norman Poti

Jul 28, 2023, 3:16:58 PM7/28/23
to dayton...@googlegroups.com, 'Mark Groves' via Mid Ohio Soaring Society, JD Filkins, Gilbert Perez, Barry Andersen, Marc Marcum, Steve Gammons


The next contest at Twin Towers will be held on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 August.  The format will be full F5J with timing clocks, audio call-up, and cell phone scoring. This format is quickly gaining popularity as it offers new and exciting challenges.  Flying rounds and groups are set by the matrix which cannot be generated until all pilots are present.  We will generate the matrix at 8:00 and fly at 8:30.  A “Late Guy” slot will be put in the matrix case of a straggler.  Basic F5J rules will be reviewed prior to flying.  Entry fee is $20 per day and $30 for the weekend with hot dog lunch and water provided.  Each day will be scored as a separate contest in the OVSS spreadsheet.    Come join us for this new and exciting contest format.  Thermals.


Jerry Shape

Jul 30, 2023, 8:37:39 PM7/30/23
to dayton...@googlegroups.com
I be there

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 28, 2023, at 3:17 PM, Norman Poti <ndp...@gmail.com> wrote:


The next contest at Twin Towers will be held on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 August.  The format will be full F5J with timing clocks, audio call-up, and cell phone scoring. This format is quickly gaining popularity as it offers new and exciting challenges.  Flying rounds and groups are set by the matrix which cannot be generated until all pilots are present.  We will generate the matrix at 8:00 and fly at 8:30.  A “Late Guy” slot will be put in the matrix case of a straggler.  Basic F5J rules will be reviewed prior to flying.  Entry fee is $20 per day and $30 for the weekend with hot dog lunch and water provided.  Each day will be scored as a separate contest in the OVSS spreadsheet.    Come join us for this new and exciting contest format.  Thermals.


Mid Ohio Soaring Society Events Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=ujol3k8hii801...@group.calendar.google.com
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