Meeting Minutes: March 14th

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Andrew Wendling

Mar 14, 2016, 8:08:41 PM3/14/16
to Dayton Diode

Meeting Minutes

March 14 2016

Minutes Taker: Andrew W

Joe owns Prius C. It is a very lovely car.

Greetings: Greetings!

Treasurer Report:

Member roster is 10 people

3 members in arrears

1 yet to turn in paperwork

14 total members after that is worked out

Money Status:

2pm Monday March 14th

US Bank: $1428.38

Paypal: $376.35

Insurance net balance: 1200

Petty Cash: From $38 to $102

$33 in donations

Action Item:

Touch base w/ Glady on insurance payment

Follow up with UD Maker’s Club

Makerfest and Afterparty Recap

Joe: We think it went pretty well. A number of people showed up that were met with at the makerfest event

Unfortunately we don’t have pictures so none of what we say about it actually happened.

Arduino day is coming up: Claire is hosting

We had a lot of different raffle items.. However not a lot of people showed up specifically for the raffle.

Afterparty likely should have been closer to the end of the makerfest event.

The building was manned during the day so it was a nice perk for people that may have wanted to come straight from the main event.

Pick your prize style raffle is a good idea.

We should obtain a cash box to collect raffle money

Much better job advertising the event.

Brent to discuss w/ DMA on the cheap liquor license

Next opportunity is maker faire in July

We should build a bar and some arduino drinking contraptions

Consider flyers in the Oregon district prior to next event

Cube Storage!

Leases are up. $20 per year for members $40 per year for non-member

Sell Crap:

Sell shopsmith

Extra Air compressors

National old shore radio


Claire’s employment may be interested in a compressor

Claire will volunteer to sell shopsmith

Update for Pat Craig from Mark Camden:

Pat is getting familiar with the Raspberry Pi.

Mark will handle documentation of the class and syllabus.

Possible collaboration with Dayton and Xenia libraries (Greene County and Montgomery County) for hosting classes to benefit Dayton Diode

Classes discussions cont’d

DARA has amazing facilities - Claire

Future of Diode:

Joe Mckibben

I’ve been thinking a lot about where Diode is now and where we want to be in the future. Is how we are now a good vehicle for us to get to where we want to be? Complete volunteering can be a troublesome when trying to get things done.

Quorum changes have been a big discussion. I think the way forward for us is to solidify us as a separate organization. Nothing wrong with DMA but for us to grow past that we should begin to incorporate our own. Lag time in making decisions. Grant writing seems to be full of snags as a child organization.

Being a child org of DMA has worked great so far. But if we continue to grow, we need to consider if we break away.

We will also need to consider having an executive body.

Claire has started a Slack channel “Vision”

We need flexibility to make business moves.

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