Opportunity for new D-RUG coordinator(s)!

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Tara Pozzi

Oct 17, 2024, 1:51:19 PM10/17/24
to Davis R Users' Group
Hi all, 

D-RUG is looking for additional student organizers to join our coo[R]dinating team! This is a great opportunity for folks looking to gain experience helping others with R or learning new skills alongside other R users. You don't need to be an expert in R - we welcome all experience levels. The commitment involves attending as many D-RUG meetings as you can (Thursdays from 10 - 12 pm in Shields 360), assisting with other activities as you'd like (e.g., D-RUG marketing, workshops, etc), and/or leading engagement activities with R-users on campus. If you're interested, please reply to this message! 

Your D-RUG Coordinators

What is D-RUG exactly? The Davis R Users' Group is a weekly working group to get some help with R-specific coding problems. Sponsored by the UC Davis Datalab, the coordinators include UCD data scientists as well as grad students on campus. We meet for 2 hours in an open-forum format so you can make the time what you want it to be whether that's co-working, asking questions, or meeting other R users. 
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