ICYMI: The Tikvah Trumpscum Intersectionality: "An Evening of Seditious Insight and Inspiration" with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik with the SYs in Deal, New Jersey

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David Shasha

Sep 22, 2023, 7:12:26 AM9/22/23
to david...@googlegroups.com

The Tikvah Trumpscum Intersectionality: "An Evening of Seditious Insight and Inspiration" with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik with the SYs in Deal, New Jersey


This week I did a massive SHU document dump on Tikvah Trumpscum Meir Soloveichik and Tikvah Trumpscum Sephardic Community Alliance.


For those who do not live in the Brooklyn Syrian Jewish community, all of it might be somewhat mysterious.


Do not worry, this post will explain it all!


As background, we know how much the SYs love the Zombie Orange Pig:






Here is my article on the 2020 TrumpSY Deal event:




And we already know of Soloveichik’s loyalty to Trump and his cabal:






This picture still says it all:




Soloveichik was invited to speak in June 2020 by the SY board of the Yeshivah of Flatbush High School:




Which makes it natural for him to be continue to be welcomed by the YU faction in the SY community.


The SCA is a true Washington Heights front group, and has previously welcomed Dara Horn to Deal, New Jersey:




More recently, there was a ZOOM program with Tikvah Brooke Goldstein to discuss Anti-Semitism:




Here are the gruesome details:






And, as if this was not enough:






That’s right.


“An Evening of Seditious Insight and Inspiration” with Tikvah Trumpscum Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, destroyer of the Sephardic heritage.


Which led to the avalanche of Soloveichik and Tikvah Fund materials this past Tuesday and Wednesday in honor of the SCA and its self-hating White Jewish Supremacy.


In this case, I think this one was specifically directed at me personally, as there are family issues involved that I will not discuss here.


But who knows for sure?


Maybe I am just paranoid.


The facts remain as they are, in spite of any possible personal pique and malignant Tikvah motivations.


So, rather than addressing the Anti-Sephardi racism that is killing us off, the SYs prefer to go with the White Jewish Supremacists.  And that is how the community monetizes its Anti-Sephardi prejudices.


As the leadership sticks with the Rabbis of Ashley Madison, as well as with their highly-valued Trumpscum thieves:






It once again needs to be said that The Tikvah Fund remains the most dangerous threat to Judaism today, and it is Soloveichik, who, along with his allies Alana Newhouse, Bari Weiss, and Dara Horn who are leading the charge.


Get out your checkbooks!




David Shasha

July 14, 2023

Meir Soloveichik Michael Mishaan SCA.doc
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