From the ARCHIVE Newsletter Special: Banana Republic AG Bill Barr, Catholic Fascist

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David Shasha

Sep 26, 2023, 9:53:39 AM9/26/23

Bari Weiss Celebrates Trumpscum Banana Republic AG Bill Barr


I recently posted an item called “Neo-Con Jews Spearhead the New Catholic Fascism” which dealt with a Trumpscum Radical Neo-Con Jew named Barre Seid and his billionaire Dark Money Dracula Jesus infusion to Federalist Society Leonard Leo, that is sure to bury America in lawlessness and anarchy:


It is the veritable Alt-Right icing on the Lysol cake that has been mixed up and baked by Trumpscum like Yoram Hazony, New Jews for Jesus CEO Dennis Prager, and, especially, Trumpwhackjob David Horowitz, who recently provided effusive praise for the Catholic Church in Spain and the Inquisition in order to promote his rabid Islamophobia:


I have prepared this special newsletter to add another component to this picture of Jews becoming Catholics.


The Straussian Neo-Con Jews have been leading the New Convivencia, which unites the radical Christian Nationalists and Tikvah Fund Judaism under the Trump banner.


In this regard, we have just seen how the BARI WEISS NEWSROOM decided to attack Trumpnemesis Dr. Fauci in the name of Lysol nihilism:


DEATH SENTENCE agrees in the Cancellation:


“The little elf that should be thrown across the Potomac”!


Brilliant Trumpscum Fascist minds always think alike.


Basking in her deplorable Fauci smear, Weiss then proudly posted her interview with arguably the most corrupt Attorney General in American History, the degenerate Trumpscum stooge Bill Barr who brings us right back to the New Catholic Fascism.


Read it at your peril.


Barr predictably uses the interview to attack the Liberal Media, Bob Mueller, Jim Comey, Russiagate, and the rest of the usual Alt-Right suspects.


The disgraced failure John Durham is the hero of his lurid drama:


It is more Trumpgaslighting.


We now know that Barr’s favorite saint is Augustine!


And that his most important book is the Bible.


Not that the Bible’s ethics mean anything to him, given his cruel and violent proclivities; the ones we saw at the Trump Bible Photo-Op with its debased machismo:


The shameful episode represents what Barr thinks of the Bible in real time.


Weiss serves up their common Right Wing intellectual influences, from Buckley to Reagan to Scalia and on to the New Catholic Fascism of the Trumpscum SCOTUS.


He is like a pig in slop.


The softball questions come slow and safe.


Right over the center of the plate!


It is how you monetize the Substack platform.


We should also recall Barr’s incendiary 2019 speech at Notre Dame, where he outlined his version of the New Catholic Fascism and its abrogation of the Establishment Clause.


The Guardian’s Philip Shenon discusses the panic caused by the speech among Liberal Catholics.


It is all a very sad attempt by Weiss to rehabilitate a man who imperilled our Justice system, which you can see quite clearly in the exhaustive report by Jake Laperruque from the oversight group POGO. 


The very lengthy taxonomy provides a detailed timeline of Trump and Associates criminal malfeasance which allows us to contextualize Barr’s legal misconduct, as he often refused to cooperate with Congressional investigations in the Trump manner, refusing to honor subpoenas, lying on the occasions when he actually deigned to testify, manipulating investigations in a partisan political manner, and generally using the DOJ for partisan political interests in order to support Trump’s criminality.


All in the name of the Unitary Executive, as we see clearly in an excellent article from the American Constitutional Society by Neil Ninkopf.  It is a very long list of Barr’s criminal behavior as AG; none of which is actually addressed in the Weiss interview.


Weiss also allows Barr to make a big deal over his ultimate refusal to go along with the Big Lie, as he submitted his resignation just in the nick of time:


Though Barr left shortly after the election loss, and before the Capitol Insurrection, the damage that he did to the DOJ was incalculable. 


He walked all the way up to the edge of Trump criminality; being perhaps his most important enabler, as we see in Al Hunt’s article from The Hill.


Indeed, he did his best Roy Cohn impersonation until the bitter end, leaving the rest of the Insurrection Sedition clean-up to Alan Dershowitz:


And we just learned how Barr corrupted the DOJ in order to “exonerate” the criminal psychopath president from any charge of Obstruction of Justice in the RUSSHER COLLOOSION, as detailed in a declassified memo which has just been released by Merrick Garland:


The previously secret memo is discussed in a report from The New York Times which shows us definitively how Barr and his Banana Republic DOJ acted as Trump’s personal lawyer, rather than an impartial arbiter of the Rule of Law on behalf of the American people.


Barr is a prominent Catholic Fascist who vigorously (ab)used his office to promote anarchy under a truly pathological and unstable criminal, who led a mafia enterprise bent on destroying American constitutional democracy.


And the threat has not yet ended.


The interview is one more shameful Tikvah Fund performance from Weiss, as she continues to work diligently to promote the Trump Agenda as we face the moral abyss created by her pal Bill Barr.



David Shasha



Bari Weiss Celebrates Trumpscum Banana Republic AG Bill Barr

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