Sephardic Heritage Update 1123

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David Shasha

Sep 29, 2023, 6:43:56 AM9/29/23



            I would like to wish our readers a Happy Sukkot.


            Before we begin, I would like to, once again, strongly recommend the excellent four-part Showtime documentary on the Supreme Court, “Deadlocked”:


I have been posting many items critical of the Trumpscum SCOTUS, and for those who do not have a detailed knowledge of the recent history of the Court – from the critical years of the Warren era to the present – “Deadlocked” is a comprehensive review of all the relevant – and quite gory – details of how we got to where we are.  It is essential viewing for all those who continue to believe in our legal system and the promise of Constitutional Democracy.


Sacred values that have been severely compromised by the lawlessness of the Trumpublican Seditionists and their legal accomplices on the Court.


            Over Yom Kippur, as I cringed at the continuing loss of the Sephardic liturgical tradition and our traditional moral values, it once again struck me just how much New Fascist Tikvah Fund values have permeated Jews and their institutions. 


Indeed, it is hard to imagine any members of the Sephardic community being able to identify Moses ibn Ezra, arguably the dean of all the Andalusian poets and writers of belle-lettres:


The “other” Ibn Ezra composed the hymn “’El Nora ‘Alila,” sung at the start of the Ne’ila prayer, the apex of the Yom Kippur liturgy:


The animating factors of Repentance have gone AWOL in the benighted age of the Trumpscum Jews.


It has been addressed by the Anti-Zionist Richard Silverstein in an article explaining why he has stopped attending Synagogue on Yom Kippur:


Unlike Silverstein, I have refused to give up or give in, and begin this week’s newsletter with another of my articles on the Trumpscum New Fascism as it is personified in Tikvah Fund Alana Newhouse, committed Whore of Trump, and First Things Ross Douthat, an avowed enemy of the current Pope and any move towards a less oppressive Catholicism.


Indeed, the morning after Yom Kippur I posted the lineup for this year’s Tikvah Fund “Jewish” Leadership Conference, which is being led by two prominent Christian Fascists, Banana Republic AG Bill Barr and Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn:


Arnn will be appearing in a session with Newhouse; an apt example of what I discuss in my article.  It is not at all Jewish, and not at all American, as it represents an attack on Democracy and Constitutional values.


            An important part of the current Religious Fascism agenda has been defending Hasidic Jews against charges proffered in a series of New York Times articles dealing with New York State curricular standards. 


As Yom Kippur ended, I thought of the rock-hard commitment of many Ultra-Orthodox Jewish students who lined Avenue J in Midwood, Brooklyn, selling sets of Lulabim and Etrogim in the darkness of a rainy day and others in the community who were going to the Brooklyn Public Library by the Yeshivah of Flatbush High School.  And it seemed to me that the Tikvah Fund-supported ignorance is not necessary, or even supported by many in the Yeshivah community who apparently do not encourage that ignorance.


And again, it is Alana Newhouse who is running point on this defense of lawlessness and ignorance. 


It is therefore interesting to note how Newhouse is not only working to promote Hillsdale’s White Christian Nationalism, but working to promote the TRAYFA “Jewish” deli Shelsky’s, with faux Sephardi Jamie Betesh Carter:


It is a perfect confluence of Tikvah Fund TREYF, allying with our Christian persecutors and their pork products – proudly served up by Jews!


            Which leads smoothly to Alt-Right Tikvah Dark Web hero Curtis Yarvin:


Here he interviews fellow New Fascist Richard Hanania, both men doing their utmost to shapeshift as “Liberals” – as if we are morons who are not aware of their sewer mentality and its ultimate ties to the TrumpNazis and various other Anti-Semites.


            Sticking with Tikvah Tablet, we have a very strange article by a UNC graduate student named Joshua Teit who seems to believe that the Alt-Right is a thing of the past.


And as is usually the case with these Tikvah Fund Trumpscum apologists, I had to look Teit up:


The article seems to want to put Charlottesville in the past, even as the TrumpNazis continue to mount attacks on the Jews, as was recently the case in DEATH SENTENCE Florida:


My sense of the thing is that the Trumpscum Jews will be voting for their hero in 2024, and want to clear the ground and pretend that things are not what they are.


It is how PILPUL delusion works!


            As if all this was not enough, Newhouse gives ample space to Trumpscum Lee Smith to defend the Confederate States of America, as he revisits Charlottesville in a brazen act of New Fascist revisionism.  You know, Robert E. Lee wasn’t really a traitor and the Confederate monuments should not be taken down!  The Lost Cause lives in the pages of Tablet magazine.


            Which swings us back to Catholic Fascist Douthat, who pontificates on the question of whether God controls history.  For Jews it is an interesting question, given the many tragedies we have faced at the hands of Douthat’s beloved Inquisitors and Church persecutors. 


It is a situation that reminds me of the ongoing crusade against Jews and Judaism by the apostate “Rabbi” Kirt Schneider and his relentless attacks on ethics and law in his ongoing series “The Blood of Jesus”:


This disturbing Christian radicalism is literally on the doorstep of the Deal, New Jersey Syrian Jewish community, as their neighbors in Ocean Grove are going further off the deep end:


It is the New Fascist Trump Dystopia:


In Ocean Grove - the self-proclaimed 'God’s Square Mile at the Jersey Shore' - Jewish and LGBTQ residents are fighting against the ‘traditional’ closure of a local beach on Sunday mornings, which they say is part of the ‘radical agenda’ of the church organization that owns the neighborhood


Douthat, like Schneider and the Ocean Gove extremists, believes that Jesus Christ controls history against non-Christians, as Pauline Christianity continues to seek the elimination of Torah Judaism.


            Rebbitzin Bengelsdorf adds to the Amen Chorus of praise for White Race icon Taylor Swift and her Corporate Poptrash Idiocracy.  In addition to the usual Neo-Con racism and Fascism, Weiss is continually angling to publish “sexy” Pop Culture items and Swift is a perfect example of Whiteness and Greed.  It is what she considers the “unification” of America.  One Nation Under the Swifties!


            Mr. Alana Newhouse reminds us how Corporate Hip-Hop reflects Trumpscum Fascist values, as the genre continues to genuflect to Minstrel stereotypes.


For those who might have missed it, here is my article “The White Man’s Hip-Hop Plantation: Biggie and Tupac Play the Minstrel for Corporate Racists” which provides a very different take on the matter:


And let us not forget that Trump was indeed the first Hip-Hop president:


“Freedom” indeed!


            AMCHA Tammi Rossman-Benjamin is a major player in the world of Tikvah Fund SAPIR Jewish Illiberalism:


Here she works on behalf of Bret Jewish Genius Stephens to attack DEI and a Free Society in the RUFO DEATH SENTENCE manner.


Very Hip-Hop GANGSTA!


            We have continued to see JIMENA Sarah Levin’s crusade against DEI, and how it has been a big moneymaking winner:


The Neo-Con website eJewish Philanthropy has taken notice:


The Atlanta Jewish Times spotlights the inaugural issue of the new JIMENA journal, which, naturally, does not address the erasure of the Sephardic heritage by the White Jewish Supremacy racism, but deals with Anti-Semitism, as it ignores the Trumpscum surge.  It is how JIMENA rolls.


            It is thus fitting that we close with a New Republic article showing how President Biden continues to be unable to make up ground on Trump in the current election polling.


Trumpscum Jew Pamela Geller reminds us of the fact that Trump can indeed win:


It is clear that, in spite of a proven record of legislative accomplishment, many Americans continue to see Biden as weak, as he has not fulfilled campaign promises on Voting Rights and Police Reform.


Young voters and Minority voters are likely apathetic on Biden, as he continues instead to court the Trumpscum seditionists – as if they will ever vote for him:


The New York Times is truly delusional, as it published an article this week showing Trump voters who have jumped ship:


It is classic Democratic Party denial of the fact that the problem now is not the Trumpscum voters, it is the weak Democratic leaders who have no solution to the problem of White Supremacy.


Nothing is certain, and it is unlikely that any of the Trump criminal cases will make ne able to prevent a Trump campaign from succeeding.


It is a sobering reminder of American Racism and the ongoing failure of the Democratic Party to turn the tide of that racism in a serious way.



David Shasha



Religious Fascism Settles In: Intersectionality from Alana Newhouse’s Tikvah Fund Extremist Judaism to Ross Douthat’s First Things Extremist Catholicism

By: David Shasha


Defending Hasidic Ignorance in the Trumpscum Manner: Tikvah Tablet The Scroll Goes White Christian Nationalist Breitbart!

By: David Shasha


Three Questions for Richard Hanania

By: Curtis Yarvin


What was the Alt-Right?

By: Joshua Tait


How Charlottesville Broke the Peace

By: Lee Smith


Does God Control History?

By: Ross Douthat


Talor Swift Unites America

By: Evan Gardner


Hip-Hop: The Last Bastion of American Freedom

By: David Samuels


Why DEI Programs Can’t Address Campus Antisemitism

By: Tammi Rossman Benjamin


Journal about Jews Spotlights Antisemitism

By: Jan Jaben-Eilon


15 Reasons Why Trump Should Be Favored Against Biden in 2024

By: Brynn Tannehill

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