Getting ready for WindyCon

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Dave Crampton

Nov 8, 2006, 10:08:22 PM11/8/06
I'm feeling like it's two days before Christmas, not two days before a
road trip to Chicago. :)

We got our badge ribbons in the mail today, and they are nifty. Each
ribbon is printed with a question, "Who is the Rebuilder?", "Who is the
Squirrel King?", and people will be at the con with these ribbons, and
armed with the answer. If a con-goer who wants the ribbon can answer
the question to either Benny or myself, they'll get a ribbon.

I'll also be angling for a "Jig for President" ribbon, but that's
because Jim Hines brings the funny.

Anyway, we're going to have a series of ribbons for conventions, so if
you're missing out on WindyCon, you'll be able to get in on the action
at any of the cons we'll be at in the future.

And of course, we'll be bringing copies of The Remembrance, teaser CDs,
and a special chapbook for anyone who purchases a book at the con. So,
if you know anyone in the Chicago area that might be interested, tell
them to find me at the Winham O'Hare hotel this weekend. :)

Oh, and you can check out my progress on The Glass Crown here (needs

David M. Crampton
"May they live forever as gods."

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