Weekly Word Count - Late!

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David M. Crampton

May 16, 2007, 2:39:51 PM5/16/07
to DavidMC...@googlegroups.com
Hey everyone,

Sorry that this is late. I've updated the word count on the web page,
and there is much busy in my future. My goals for this week are to:

- Finish Chapter 6 in the Glass Crown (Chapter 5 is already out to the
beta readers)
- Get some paperwork to an independent video game company. *mysterious
- Write two more weeks of MouseWax goodness
- (Finally) Write a bio for Chris Rohn http://www.chrisrohn.com/

There's also yardwork, work-work, and trying to play Myst Online without
it crashing every three minutes. I guess eating and sleeping should be
in there somewhere. Heh.

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