PenguiCon 7.0

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David M. Crampton

Apr 28, 2009, 12:36:23 PM4/28/09
to Ink spilled on a page
I can't tell you guys how excited I am right now. I've got materials
out for making swag, I'm printing out CD labels and business cards,
and I'm trying really, really hard not to squee out loud.

I'm making it back to PenguiCon this year. I'll have ribbons - purple
Rebuilder ribbons - to hand out with business cards that reference the
web page, where there'll be an answer to the question on the ribbon.
I'll have teaser CDs to hand out to people that attend the panels I'm
on. And this year, I'll have HAIR!


Here's a list of the panels that I'll be on:

May 2, 2009
- 9:00 am Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Perception or Prescience?
- 10:00 am Short Stories : What's the Story?
- 11:00 am Sci-Fi /Fantasy - What Really Works?
- 12:00 pm Self-Publishing - How to Not Get Totally Screwed
- 1:00 pm The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- 3:00 pm Johnny Can't Read and Nobody Thinks It's a Problem
- 4:00 pm What's So Funny?!
- 6:00 pm Future Crash - What If We Lose the Knowledge?

May 3, 2009
- 8:00 am National Novel Writing Month
- 1:00 pm Selling Your Soul - Marketing Your Work on a Limited Budget

If you're going to be there, say hi! :) I may be vibrating from the
High Octane coffee, so if I slip out of space-time, just give me a
sec, I'll be back.
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