Christmas Donation

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David Brook

Nov 3, 2010, 6:36:19 PM11/3/10
to PAC, Group
The attached letter can be used if you contact someone  for Christmas Raffle prizes.
Please note the following from Mary
We have a lot of Blenz coffee in your office storeroom we could use this Christmas if that's okay.
Most raffle basket items were donated by parents.
 We keep track of the businesses contributes along Main Street so we don't double dip for Multicultural Night or Barkerville.
I give Ms Gillespie the list of who donated raffle prize items or gift cards.
Ms Zubke's LA group does hand written thank you notes."
David Brook,
Livingstone Elementary School,
315 E. 23rd Ave.,
Vancouver, B.C.
Raffle basket request for donations WORD.rtf

suzanne o'brien

Nov 3, 2010, 8:50:36 PM11/3/10
Hi, who is in charge of soliciting for the donations? Or is it all just up to each of us. The reason I ask is, I'd like someone to hit up the company I work for.
on the left column choose 'COMMUNITY'
Please please include my name in the notes field (ie: Suzanne Molyneux's daughter Christina attend's David Livingston).
If it's up to each of us, let me know and I'll ask him using the donation form.


From: David Brook <>
To: "PAC, Group" <>
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 3:36:19 PM
Subject: [David_Livingstone_PAC] Christmas Donation

Mary MacAulay

Nov 4, 2010, 9:40:53 AM11/4/10
Good Morning Suzanne and Livingstone parents
Welcome to David Livingstone.
After the Christmas concert we have a small raffle of five or six Christmas gift baskets that parents make up with coffee, tea or bath type themes.
In the past we've gone to local businesses along Main Street (Nesters, IGA, Starbucks) to get items but recently parents have donated Christmas themed items as well.
We have each gone independently with Mr. Brook's letter to different businesses where we as parents shop or have a personal relationship with the business .
It's just for fun for the parents waiting to pick their children up after the concert. It raises about $500.00
If you're not busy you're welcome to come and have coffee and wrap up the baskets the morning of the concert if you're interested.
On Multicultural Night in the spring  we have a much bigger raffle and look to the parents and the businesses along Main Street for support.
 Plus the Grade Fives hit Main Street businesses in the Spring to help support their three day filed trip to Barkerville.
 We try not to exhaust our Main Street supporters. We try to keep a record of who we have approached to avoid "double dipping".
If you want to hit up your company at Christmas please use Mr.. Brook's letter.
 If you could please let me know what is donated and who to thank, the Grade 7's in Ms Zubke's Language Arts class write personalized thank you notes.
 If you think your company would be interested in donating to Multicultural Night (our bigger event) or Barkerville (an annual event) please save your request until then.
 Thanks so much for all your enthusiasm and to Tony for taking the Food Safe course.
 Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sorry to have missed the PAC meeting and the opportunity to have explained the Christmas Raffle.
 Take Care.
PAC Treasurer

Kristina \husdon

Nov 4, 2010, 12:54:33 PM11/4/10
Hi all,
Thank you Mary for providing details about the Christmas raffle.  As I said at the last PAC meeting I will be asking for donations from Nesters and from Stongs.  They have provided us with 50.00 gift cards in the past which I then spend in their stores on such things as cookies, chocolate, etc... for the gift baskets we put together. 
Kristina Husdon
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