Chemdat Yamim

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Mark Symons

Dec 26, 2015, 5:29:44 PM12/26/15
to Davening Discussions, Yakir Hameiri, ashertug
In the Shacharit and Musaf Amida for Shabbat we say: Chemdat Yamim OTo Karata - You (HaShem) called it (Shabbat) "chemdat Yamim". 
I've wondered where such a reference is of God calling Shabbat "Chemdat Yamim". The phrase certainly doesn't appear in Tanach. 

The issue is discussed in a number of sites eg
where one of the solutions (brought by the Machzor Vitri, in the name of "R Meir the Accurate Shliach Tzibbur") is to punctuate differently, so that the phrase is joined to the previous word V'Kidashto, rather than to the following phrase OTo Karata. 

R SR Hirsch also punctuates differently, having both Chemdat Yamim and OTo Karata as stand-alone phrases - Chemdat Yamim as a poetic reference to Shabbat, and OTo Karata referring to God's being the One who sanctifies the Shabbat (calling it holy) - in contradistinction to Bnei Yisrael sharing that role in the case of the Chagim. 

Mark S

Giorgies E. Kepipesiom

Dec 26, 2015, 9:55:06 PM12/26/15
to Davening Discussions,,
On Saturday, December 26, 2015 at 5:29:44 PM UTC-5, Mark wrote:
In the Shacharit and Musaf Amida for Shabbat we say: Chemdat Yamim OTo Karata - You (HaShem) called it (Shabbat) "chemdat Yamim". 
I've wondered where such a reference is of God calling Shabbat "Chemdat Yamim". The phrase certainly doesn't appear in Tanach.

Se the Baal HaTurrim Hasholeim on B'reishis 2:1 Vay'chal, quoting Targum Yerushalmi trahslating vaychal as v'chomad, and citing this as the source for chemdas yomim.

whishing everyone good week
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