Me'ein Sheva: Feet together?

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Mark Symons

Aug 31, 2015, 7:55:46 PM8/31/15
to Davening Discussions, TugendhaftAshley, Yakir Hameiri
Does the chazan need to stand with feet together while reciting me'ein sheva on Friday night?

I've always assumed that he does, as it's like a mini chazarat hashatz, but various sites I've looked up don't comment explicitly on this.

Rav Eliezer Melamed -  - notes that there are  2 opinions as to whether it's considered like chazarat hashatz or not, and hence 2 opinions as to whether bowing is necessary as the beginning. However, he doesn't comment on having feet together - though perhaps that's taken for granted?

Mark Symons


Sep 1, 2015, 9:53:22 PM9/1/15
to Davening List
When I'm the SHaTZ, I do stand w/ feet together, and I do bow for the initial "Baruch atah" the way I do at the beginning of the Amidah.  However, I don't think of Bircas "Mei'ein Sheva" (BMSh) as a chazarah of the Amidah, for three reasons: there is generally no taqanah to have a chazarah of Ma'ariv; BMSh is only said on a Fri. night in a place that regularly hosts a minyan, not just anywhere; and BMSh is also said on Yuntef (i.e. the Amidah is structured for Yuntef, yet we then say BMSh, which is unrelated to such an Amidah).  (I was going to add that in fact, Yuntef is BMSh's "reason for being", but I may be mistaken -- see for reasons and other info.)

All the best from
Michael Poppers * Elizabeth, NJ, USA

Sammy Noe

Sep 2, 2015, 3:46:29 AM9/2/15

Standing up

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Slightly tangential: an obituary on the Tosher Rebbe lauded him greatly for his standing up during davening for hours. Would appreciate being told why that shows righteousness.

Jonathan Baker

Oct 8, 2015, 5:14:06 PM10/8/15
I don't know.  RYBS used to stand up for all of chazarat hashatz, even on RH/YK.  My wife tries to, but YK is a bit much for her.  In our old shul, it meant that nobody tried to talk to her, which was a big plus.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:46 AM, Sammy Noe <> wrote:

Standing up


Mark Symons

Oct 8, 2015, 7:15:36 PM10/8/15
to Davening Discussions
Wasn't that because he held that Chazarat HaShatz has the same status as the silent Amida?

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