Monitor display (ports) wonky still

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Donna Shelley

Apr 22, 2024, 12:37:41 PMApr 22
to DuPage Apple User Group
Today the M2 display acted erratically and went totally out.  Both ports seem bad.  I did a blind restart since I couldn’t see the desktop and when it asked to reopen previous screens I said no.  It did restart and seemingly works normal right now.  I don’t trust it so I made a reservation at the Apple store for repair.  Odd that by not opening previous screens it bypassed the problem??? I wonder for how long.  Not sure…makes me wonder if there is a malware inherently at the root cause.  Why is it working flawlessly now and not before?   Can’t post the short vids here on the display when it was blinking in and out as this site  doesn’t accept vids.  Will keep you posted.

Donna Shelley

Apr 27, 2024, 11:02:00 AMApr 27
to DuPage Apple User Group
So we took the Mac in to Apple in Naperville on Wednesday.  Described my isssues and showed them the videos of the fault.  They asked if I had it all backed up and I said No, only the photos on icloud.  They called last night and told me they could not recreated the problem I was having and went through all their diagnostics just fine.  So I was told I could come in and pick up the Mac and that they erased the whole drive and reinstalled the operating system!  I took a deep breath and said, Ok, I’ll come in today, Saturday morning, to pick it up.  This was the Mac I was struggling with to put the music files on if you remember from a couple meetings ago.  Well, now, it looks like I will need to do it yet again.  Oh boy. Well, if the issue pops up again with the monitor blinking then I’m not sure where to take it, but hope for now my problems will be fixed and just need to migrate the important files over to the now clean hard drive….yet again.   Isn’t this fun folks?  Big deep breaths here.  (and fingers, toes, and eyes crossed).

Donna Shelley

May 1, 2024, 11:03:16 PMMay 1
to DuPage Apple User Group
Ok, as of right now, it looks like the problem is back.  Not sure what to do as the Apple Store said they couldn't find anything wrong with the 
computer and they ran it through there extensive testing.  It took a week from when I picked it up at the store for it to start blinking out.  I had 
to do a hard restart since the monitor was totally black.  Not sure what to think at this point.  I suspect there is an Apple meeting on Monday?
Don't know where to go from here.  Suggestions?


May 1, 2024, 11:26:26 PMMay 1
Something to try, Donna: Since the M2 will support more than one monitor, what happens if you hook up 2 monitors to the M2? Do they both flicker? Or does just one of the video outputs have a problem? If you mirror the displays for the test period, what happens? Do both screens act the same?
Give it a try and see what happens?

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Donna Shelley

May 2, 2024, 12:59:45 PMMay 2
to DuPage Apple User Group
Ok, Phil, cool, let me try that now.  I've never done it before but worth a look see.  I have it set up as mirrored as you suggest.  Enclosing jpg.  But since the problem 
happens  only now and then....I wonder how long it will take to do anything.  Of course it doesn't help that my keyboard, an older Apple full set/black keys 
occasionally races forward by if I were pressing the space bar continuously .   Hm.  Well, I'll let this play out and see what happens.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 11.54.57 AM.png


May 2, 2024, 2:23:01 PMMay 2
I will be interested to hear what happens, Donna. 
My brushed steel white-keyed Apple keyboard does that too, like a runaway zebra on something...

Donna Shelley

May 2, 2024, 5:24:30 PMMay 2
to DuPage Apple User Group
LOL, that is hysterical!  I've got the monitors linked and set to not sleep or turn off.  You gotta catch it while it's active or you miss it.  The only thing I've 
seen so far...and I'm amazed that I saw it at all, was I was in the room doing something and glanced over just as the Main M2 monitor blinked back in.  I don't know how long it was out if at all.  Maybe it was just a brief flash.  I don't know.  I quickly grabbed my phone to do a video...but it never did it least while I was watching.  Ugh.  Today this main M2 monitor is plugged into the left most port on the back of the M2 as you look at the back.  I might switch it tomorrow so that the left monitor (the mirror) is in the left most port and the main M2 monitor is on the right side to make it easier to grasp.
There's a gremlin in the worx I think....possibly a "lemon".  Not sure.

Jim Rietz

May 18, 2024, 10:35:01 AMMay 18
to DAUG Rietz
Hi Donna,

If you happened to stumble on a bad website page, Restarting not opening apps would help. Force quitting and opening any browser holding the Shift key down should always open a blank page.

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