DATE 29 Juni 2018 Stres vs Depresi

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Eliyana Soetedjo

Jul 3, 2018, 7:07:32 AM7/3/18
to Dates Spark1
Dear all,

Maaf terlambat belum mengirimkan hasil MOM DATE 29 Juni 2018 dengan peserta Srilita, Nita, Andre, Anne, John, Rainheart, Doni, Novy, Sianna, Odika, Adit, Eli, Merry, Elda, Ririe

Kita split grup diskusi yang di bagi ke dalam 3 kelompok untuk membahas tentang Stress vs Depresi. Karena sebagian besar kita tanpa sadar nih karena stress berkelanjutan & tidak di atasi dengan baik maka bisa berdampak pada depresi or bahkan sampai "bunuh diri".

Hasil dari 3 kelompok memiki kesamaan sbb:

1. Penyebab utama biasanya karena terintimidasi karena merasa selalu gagal, tidak pintar, tidak cantik, banyak kekurangan nya dll

2. Karena masalah yang ada maka jadi terisolasi dan tidak ada orang lain buat share / buang uneg-uneg di hati alhasil tidak berpikir panjang. So penting banget punya teman-teman dan komunitas untuk bisa share burden.

3. Paling utama memang wajib punya fondasi yg kuat karena ini bisa memampukan kita melewati banyak hal.

4. Harus aware dan tau pemicu nya apa sehingga tidak terjebak kepada stress yg berkelanjutan.

Overcoming Depression

- by Joyce Meyer-

Depression is very real. It can cause us to feel isolated, alone, and hopeless…like everything around us is falling apart.

Satan uses depression to steal a person’s spiritual power and freedom—he seeks to fill our minds with darkness and gloom and bring us down emotionally. However, God wants to help us live free from depression. He wants to fill us with His joy, hope and expectation of good things for our lives.

When depression attacks, what we feel like doing is giving up. However, the way we respond to depression makes all the difference.

First Peter 5:8-9 says to resist the devil at his onset. It’s so important to resist the feeling of depression immediately, because the longer we allow it to remain, the harder it is to resist!

All of us will deal with disappointments from time to time—that’s a part of life. However, if we let it, our disappointment can lead to discouragement and discouragement can lead to depression.

I realize that depression may be the result of a physical or chemical imbalance, and I don’t want to discount these causes. However, for a great number of people, depression is a spiritual issue…and the Bible gives us great instructions on how to fight it.

Philippians 4:4 says, Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!

Praising the Lord in the midst of our pain is the greatest thing we can do. Why? Because when we choose to fix our attention on God and rejoice in the good things He has done, we make Him bigger than our problems.

Psalm 16:11. It says, In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. When we worship God, we invite His presence into our lives. He replaces our discouragement and sadness with His joy and peace…giving us hope and breathing new life into our situation.



How to deal & overcoming depression:

1.      Renew your mind with the promises found in God’s Word.

The more time you spend reading and thinking about His Word, the more it gets inside of you and begins to change you from the inside out. Hebrews 4:12 says that God’s Word “is alive and powerful” (NLT).

2.      Identify the trigger

Learn to identity about what you feel, think and the way you respond about something. Might be you was brokenhearted, competitive with your friends to achieve something, failure etc. If you can identify in early stage & it will help you to manage your expectation and decrease your discouragement.

3.      Asking Help & don’t be alone

Share your burden, sadness, problems, worried with others and make you feel better. Don’t fight battle alone, you need others to help you, encourage you, and strengthen you.


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