2024-03 Dataverse Community News

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Philip Durbin

Apr 1, 2024, 2:58:48 PMApr 1
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Here's what's top of mind for March 2024:

* Repositorio de datos abiertos de investigación de Uruguay launched their installation of Dataverse: https://redata.anii.org.uy
* The 2024 Dataverse Community Meeting at CIMMYT in Texcoco, Mexico was a great success: https://dataverse.org/blog/harvesting-data-field-cloud-2024-dataverse-community-meeting
* Stefano Iacus gave a recorded talk entitled "Bringing Data Close to Compute at Harvard Dataverse": https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/o_QE4U8fAb0/m/Y1zQnCGGAAAJ
* Sonia Barbosa gave a talk entitled "The User Experience in a Dataverse Supported Repository": https://dataverse.org/presentations/use-experience-dataverse-supported-repository
* Stefano gave a talk entitled "Principles of Data Sharing (and what this means for generalist repositories)": https://dataverse.org/presentations/principles-data-sharing-and-what-means-generalist-repositories
* Slava Tykhonov gave a talk entitled "Croissant ML standard in the context of Dataverse, EOSC and beyond": https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/JI8HPgGarr8/m/FuajmDKEAQAJ
* ICPSR released a short video on TurboCurator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac2GH_D5ZSI
* The Sensitive Data interest group held a meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TYC2yu-F2Bj-bz4SlmZn3j6TGYvk0-NsuFbAOFBBwk/edit?usp=sharing
* The Frontend Development interest group held a meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eVUIliCmcUw4S6ihILE8AKRdyEZSi75bVCKtLav0ZKE/edit?usp=sharing
* The Dataverse Sustainability working group held a meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uBCeLOkHuW0BHMdMbAT3zh8gsaPFWHR1NCTVAR7Xh_A/edit?usp=sharing
* A recorded pyDataverse working group meeting was held: https://py.gdcc.io
* Four recorded Containerization working group meetings were held: https://ct.gdcc.io
* The FAIR-IMPACT project is running a survey on Semantic Artefact Mappings and Crosswalks: https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/0ZTFHzstS3A/m/MqsrgIEZAwAJ

If you have any news to add or comments to make, please simply reply to this email!



p.s. If you would like to add to next month's community news update, please leave comments at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pObbALhulzRqzT09mO735sIO9z-Hy4MtOoxBkYe5G8c/edit?usp=sharing

For last month's Dataverse Community News, please see https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/oMXxfOFb-B8/m/F-UOOZoLAAAJ

For more background on these Dataverse Community News posts, please check out the README at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PtUHfBnu1gnjpZ1Uu7sEEWjW9QWAK2S9K62DbPaPHCQ/edit?usp=sharing

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