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Frank Andreas Sposito

Feb 6, 2018, 3:34:43 AM2/6/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hello everyone,

A couple of questions about user management, one localized, the other perhaps more general.

We're experiencing configuration problems on our production server and aren't sure how to resolve them. One critical issue is that we no longer have access to the "Manage Users" function on the dashboard. The box has simply vanished for all users, including dataverseAdmin. Is it possible that our system admin inadvertantly turned off the user management functionality when configuring our server? If so, is there a way to turn it back on?

On a more general note, we are looking for ways to circumscribe user privileges for our root dataverse and for all sub-dataverses. The reason is that it has been decided that AUSSDA will not function as a fully open access repository and will require users to register and authenticate in order to download most of our data sets. Also, users will not be allowed to create sub-dataverses (our staff will do it for them) or change user privileges in sub-dataverses. All data uploads will be "guided", which means that our staff will actually do the uploading for our users. I understand that it is possible to set user privileges for each user and dataverse, but is there a way to restrict access globally such that it cascades to all sub-dataverses, like a kind of inheritance?

Thanks for the help. Best, Frank

Frank Andreas Sposito
The Austrian Social Sciences Data Archive

Don Sizemore

Feb 6, 2018, 7:19:38 AM2/6/18
Good morning,

Not to ask a silly question, but is your dataverseAdmin (or equivalent) still a superuser? From a test server:

dvntest=> select * from authenticateduser where id='1';
 id |  affiliation  |        email        | firstname | lastname | position | superuser | useridentifier | emailconfirmed |     createdtime     |      lastlogintime      |     lastapiusetime     
  1 | | | Dataverse | Admin    | Admin    | t         | dataverseAdmin |                | 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | 2018-02-06 07:08:07.071 | 2018-01-25 15:38:06.013

On the second question, it sounds like you want a pool of archivists with privileges, then any new users would be given the Member and/or File Downloader role. I'll let smarter people than me chime in on that one, but note that if your users will be "Institutional" you'll likely be affected by


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Philip Durbin

Feb 6, 2018, 5:18:14 PM2/6/18
I'm not sure how much this helps but describes how out of the box nobody except a superuser can create a dataverse or dataset and provides instructions on how to allow non-superusers to create dataverses and datasets. It sounds like you want to remove role assignments from the ":authenticated-users" group. This can be done programmatically via API if you have a lot of these (look for "assignments" at ).

There is no inheritance of permissions from one dataverse to its children. Each dataverse is an island of permissions.

I hope this helps,


p.s. Weird that the dashboard is gone but I like Don's idea of checking to make sure you have that superuser boolean.

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Frank Andreas Sposito

Feb 7, 2018, 3:28:35 AM2/7/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks very much. I've sent this to our system admin, who seems excited about the idea and thinks it's promising. Will report back results when he have them.
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