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Data is there, but it isn't appearing in dataverse page

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Alexandre Abreu

May 29, 2020, 8:16:41 AM5/29/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi guys,

I deployed Dataverse using docker containers.
I noticed that when I use docker-compose up -d and the dataverse-container is rebuilt, the datasets and files previously uploaded to my dataverse aren't appearing in dataverse page, however, when I look in account information to se "my data", all datasets and files are there... After open each one, they appear again in dataverse page...

How can I solve this issue ?

Thanks in advance!

Philip Durbin

May 29, 2020, 11:08:58 AM5/29/20
We've been talking about this in IRC but we're really not sure what's going on. None of us in there use dataverse-docker (which I assume you're using).

The dataverse page results are powered by Solr so it sounds like they aren't being indexed. But then you're saying that they appear after simply viewing them, which is odd. Indexing usually only happens when something changes, when some sort of "write" is made.

We also talked about how Solr is probably in a different container but that shouldn't matter.

If you are using dataverse-docker, I would suggest opening an issue at

I hope this helps,


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