What triggers the Link Icon on dataset listings?

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Sherry Lake

Jan 9, 2019, 12:00:41 PM1/9/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Still looking through the results of my hierarchy change.

Looks like everything got moved and looks good (still on our test server), but then I noticed the link icon showing up on some datasets, but not others.

So in trying to figure out why, I need to know what triggers the Link icon. Here's a screen shot: 

Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 11.24.08 AM.png

I've checked "owner_ids" and the datasetlinkingdataverse table and can't seem to figure it out. What makes it more perplexing is that before the hierarchy change ALL sub-dataverses were sub-dataverse of the same top-level (root), but after the change, only some of the sub-dataverses (and their datasets) show the link. Others do not.

At this point, just looking for where to look in the db tables that might cause the link to appear.


Durand, Gustavo

Jan 9, 2019, 12:13:28 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Since this is a dataverse, you should be looking at dataverselinkingdataverse (it's one of the cleanups I'd like to see at some point to merge these two tables into one called linkedDVObjects).


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Philip Durbin

Jan 9, 2019, 12:48:48 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sherry,

Another tip is that there's an undocumented superuser API endpoint called "links" you can play with. Please don't ever email around a real superuser API token like this but here's how the command looks:

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 17406e53-6296-4c0c-b4e7-5c582592676d" https://dev1.dataverse.org/api/dataverses/root/links

"root" is the name of the dataverse and you can substitute a database id (usually "1" in this example).

An even less secure way to pass the API token (not recommended!) is as a query parameter like this:

You should see output like this, but with actual data if there are links:

  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "dataverses that the root dataverse has linked to": [],
    "dataverses that link to the root": [],
    "datasets that the root has linked to": []

I hope this helps,


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Sherry Lake

Jan 9, 2019, 1:38:56 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com

Thanks.... but using the commands (and checking the database), no linking was found. I haven't found any problems; it just doesn't look right having the link icons.

I've done a full re-index (after clearing data from solr) per: http://guides.dataverse.org/en/4.8.3/admin/solr-search-index.html

dvndb=# select * from dataverselinkingdataverse;

 id | linkcreatetime | dataverse_id | linkingdataverse_id 


(0 rows)

## In moving the hierarchy - there is a new ":root"

## old root "libradata" see next command now has owner_id of new :root (which has owner_id of NULL)

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/:root/links



     "dataverses that the uva dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the uva":[],

     "datasets that the uva has linked to":[]



curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/libradata/links



    "dataverses that the libradata dataverse has linked to":[],

    "dataverses that link to the libradata":[],

    "datasets that the libradata has linked to":[]



## the Datasets in the Econ dataverse are ones with the link icon

## appears to have no links either

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/econ/links



     "dataverses that the econ dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the econ":[],

     "datasets that the econ has linked to":[]



Durand, Gustavo

Jan 9, 2019, 1:42:44 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Actually now that I relook at your image, I noticed it is a dataset (I had seen the text of "is also a sub dataverse" and gotten confused)/ Are you saying there's nothing in datasetlinkingdataverse either?

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 1:39 PM Sherry Lake <shla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks.... but using the commands (and checking the database), no linking was found. I haven't found any problems; it just doesn't look right having the link icons.

I've done a full re-index (after clearing data from solr) per: http://guides.dataverse.org/en/4.8.3/admin/solr-search-index.html

dvndb=# select * from dataverselinkingdataverse;

 id | linkcreatetime | dataverse_id | linkingdataverse_id 


(0 rows)

## In moving the hierarchy - there is a new ":root"

## old root "libradata" see next command now has owner_id of new :root (which has owner_id of NULL)

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/:root/links



     "dataverses that the uva dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the uva":[],

     "datasets that the uva has linked to":[]



curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/libradata/links



    "dataverses that the libradata dataverse has linked to":[],

    "dataverses that link to the libradata":[],

    "datasets that the libradata has linked to":[]



## the Datasets in the Econ dataverse are ones with the link icon

## appears to have no links either

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/econ/links



     "dataverses that the econ dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the econ":[],

     "datasets that the econ has linked to":[]



On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 12:48 PM Philip Durbin <philip...@harvard.edu> wrote:

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dataverse Users Community" group.
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Sherry Lake

Jan 9, 2019, 1:55:45 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
That table has the following 3 datasets linked. But none of the datasets are from the Chemistry dataverse (dataverse ID 281)

select * from datasetlinkingdataverse;

 id |     linkcreatetime      | dataset_id | linkingdataverse_id 


  2 | 2016-12-07 11:51:03.545 |        288 |                 292

  3 | 2017-09-29 09:51:12.163 |        275 |              233270

  4 | 2017-09-29 11:40:28.626 |        275 |                  39

(3 rows)

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 1:42 PM Durand, Gustavo <gdu...@iq.harvard.edu> wrote:
Actually now that I relook at your image, I noticed it is a dataset (I had seen the text of "is also a sub dataverse" and gotten confused)/ Are you saying there's nothing in datasetlinkingdataverse either?

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 1:39 PM Sherry Lake <shla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks.... but using the commands (and checking the database), no linking was found. I haven't found any problems; it just doesn't look right having the link icons.

I've done a full re-index (after clearing data from solr) per: http://guides.dataverse.org/en/4.8.3/admin/solr-search-index.html

dvndb=# select * from dataverselinkingdataverse;

 id | linkcreatetime | dataverse_id | linkingdataverse_id 


(0 rows)

## In moving the hierarchy - there is a new ":root"

## old root "libradata" see next command now has owner_id of new :root (which has owner_id of NULL)

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/:root/links



     "dataverses that the uva dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the uva":[],

     "datasets that the uva has linked to":[]



curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/libradata/links



    "dataverses that the libradata dataverse has linked to":[],

    "dataverses that link to the libradata":[],

    "datasets that the libradata has linked to":[]



## the Datasets in the Chemistry dataverse are ones with the link icon

## appears to have no links either

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 00000000000000000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/chemistry/links



     "dataverses that the chemistry dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the chemistry":[],

     "datasets that the chemistry has linked to":[]



Philip Durbin

Jan 9, 2019, 4:31:55 PM1/9/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Out of curiosity, do you get any output in the "datasets that whatever has linked to" in the JSON output if you pass in 292 or 233270 or 39 in that undocumented "links" API?

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Sherry Lake

Jan 10, 2019, 9:14:10 AM1/10/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Yes here's the dataverse link API output for the linked datasets

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/292/links



    "dataverses that the uvacs dataverse has linked to":[],

    "dataverses that link to the uvacs":[],

    "datasets that the uvacs has linked to":["Training with Open Refine"]



curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/233270/links



    "dataverses that the licensed dataverse has linked to":[],

    "dataverses that link to the licensed":[],

    "datasets that the licensed has linked to":["Testing More Files Added"]



curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: 000000000000" https://dvdev.lib.virginia.edu/api/dataverses/39/links



     "dataverses that the dsi dataverse has linked to":[],

     "dataverses that link to the dsi":[],

     "datasets that the dsi has linked to":["Testing More Files Added"]



Philip Durbin

Jan 10, 2019, 9:42:30 AM1/10/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Oh, good. I'm glad to hear that "links" API still works. :)

If anyone feels like it's helpful and worth documenting, please open a GitHub issue.

Meanwhile, Sherry, are you all set? Can you reproduce the problem on https://demo.dataverse.org ? Do you think you've found a bug?



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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Sherry Lake

Jan 10, 2019, 10:16:37 AM1/10/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Hi Phil,

Not sure if it is a bug or a symptom of what happened when I moved the original root dataverse, see discussion on https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/dataverse-community/hierarchy%7Csort:date/dataverse-community/e0hh_ULbMBc/mfKG-W58BAAJ
So I don't think I will be able to reproduce on demo.dataverse

Like I said, things seem OK as far as creating, viewing datasets/files in the new hierarchy. Only quirky thing is with the link icon appearing where I don't think it should (and it is only appearing on datasets in a couple of sub-dataverses - all datasets in Chemistry dataverse & Cultural Heritage dataverse but not the datasets in Astronomy dataverse or Education dataverse - all four of these dataverses are direct sub-dataverses of the same parent - owner).

Figuring out if it is a bug..... that's why I asked my initial question - what causes the link icon to display?

We are upgrading from 4.8.6 to 4.10 next week. I'll keep an eye on the "link" icon to see if it goes away??

So I'm all set for now.


Philip Durbin

Jan 10, 2019, 11:46:40 AM1/10/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Sounds good. Heads up the 4.10.1 is out: https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/releases/tag/v4.10.1

Also, there's a handy dandy new upgrade progress you can try out if you're feeling adventurous. Please see:

- "A note on upgrading from older versions" at https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/releases/tag/v4.10


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Durand, Gustavo

Jan 10, 2019, 3:26:18 PM1/10/19
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com

I looked into the code and found a bug. I'm not convinced it's definitely causing the issue, but is is very related* and likely is:

* it is in the code that checks for the search cards to be show as linked and has a hard coded 1 for the root! However, the if I'm reading it correctly, the statement would still be returning false, either way here, so that the reason for my doubt.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:46 AM Durbin, Philip <philip...@harvard.edu> wrote:
Sounds good. Heads up the 4.10.1 is out: https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/releases/tag/v4.10.1

Also, there's a handy dandy new upgrade progress you can try out if you're feeling adventurous. Please see:

- "A note on upgrading from older versions" at https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/releases/tag/v4.10


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