2023-04 Dataverse Community News

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Philip Durbin

May 9, 2023, 10:46:07 AM5/9/23
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Here's what's top of mind for April 2023:

* CESA (Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración) launched their installation of Dataverse: https://opendata.cesa.edu.co
* The program for the 2023 Dataverse Community Meeting is up: https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/UfrlFTFKXOk/m/vkknSXuSBAAJ
* Ramin Soleymani-Fard gave a recorded talk on IDS Toolkit (Indigenous Data Sovereignty) and Local Contexts labels integrating with Dataverse: https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/5cNB3ClSK7M/m/AET9l5vXBQAJ
* Dimitri Szabo gave a recorded talk entitled "Data paper template generation tool": https://harvard.zoom.us/rec/share/uNiYpxFHWRWxtEZLxm7VQDPqpIqvET5-l8rrs7AXwVwXer2cJwQZ4irQV3BJXU6c.F_TcHXxLOOgfIUam
* The Containerization Working Group walked through their proposal for containerizing Dataverse: https://harvard.zoom.us/rec/share/qQJLuOQYIX5FA5Fsandjuu3L4qIgmV9AKOZ0tZu3ZPcdDmcVw-2D7qn9VcCAojIk.PHPDAOdOWYI_hXCr
* Dominic Kempf gave a talk entitled "Pooch - Easily interact with data repositories from Python code": https://harvard.zoom.us/rec/share/8hemz1tNNWeLRlLfsTBI0vD7U0q8WZvyMVd1YzT4UyvbVORmnhakwRRRF1fw2ANr.vcBXZk5kJnAAa11S
* The 2023-04-04 Dataverse Community Call was about Dimitri's talk above, a walkthrough of the NetCDF/HDF5 design doc, a new Containerization Working Group, permalink PID provider, external vocab, Signposting, system metadata, configurable exporters, a Storybook demo, and more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11lFmJdnLRIkdmzFVmhLXenZkC_CwE6PT2RBHqX1tqB0/edit?usp=sharing
* The 2023-04-18 Dataverse Community Call was about welcoming Ceilyn Boyd as the new Dataverse Project Manager, the walk through above of the containerization proposal, and more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TmvLrvDJ2dtPN6e6Iu4RT-qFQo4XeR5Tn-TGhvB9mFE/edit?usp=sharing
* Three Containerization Working Group meetings were held and recorded: https://ct.gdcc.io
* Four NetCDF/HDF5/geospatial meetings were held: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-FERNBSsNS2RxrnE8jt0eui0GC2-e6PA?usp=share_link

If you have any news to add or comments to make, please simply reply to this email!



p.s. If you would like to add to next month's community news update, please leave comments at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jC785VODFrpNqpkhVkoKfc_y0zzA5fEljbzWDzu6ntk/edit?usp=sharing

For last month's Dataverse Community News, please see https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/mlA2jJx-8ZA/m/-00QbkXmAQAJ

For more background on these Dataverse Community News posts, please check out the README at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PtUHfBnu1gnjpZ1Uu7sEEWjW9QWAK2S9K62DbPaPHCQ/edit?usp=sharing

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