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Looking for collaborators - using Dataverse to support a registry function

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Caitlin Robles

Sep 21, 2020, 12:50:40 PM9/21/20
to Dataverse Users Community

Hello Dataverse Community  -

We are executing a project at the MIT Libraries to develop a research data registry (RDR) using Dataverse. We will be using Dataverse in a different capacity, not as a repository but as a registry where we will point to MIT created datasets and store the metadata about them for centralized search and discovery. We are currently working to install our own Dataverse instance at MIT and will be deviating from the standard infrastructure by implementing solr cloud and a zookeeper cluster. 

We are reaching out in the hopes that someone in the community has done a similar Dataverse installation or is thinking about it and is interested in being a thought partner or collaborator. 

Also, If you are interested in hearing more about our project or are working on/thinking about something similar we would love to talk further.

Looking forward to making new connections!

Caitlin Robles - Project manager on behalf of the RDR team

Amber Leahey

Sep 23, 2020, 8:25:12 PM9/23/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hello Caitlin, 

Nice to hear about the MIT Libraries project and use case for a registry using Dataverse! 

I'm curious to know more about the registry and use case. Are you planning to ingest any data into the Dataverse? Is the registry development due to too many variations in the data that your seeking to make more discoverable? For example are the data too big, sensitive, not under the custodial management of the library, etc.?

I think one of the challenges with Dataverse is that while it appears to be very general you can fall in the trap of trying to fit all sorts of data and uses cases under one repository type. That said, I can't imagine a better option for most data types and offering the deposit and storage piece has been crucial to adoption and in helping to facilite long-term management conversations with researchers. In terms of discovery, I think coupling Dataverse with the search engine cloud will enable some flexibility and improvements. 

I'm in a library setting and so I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

Amber Leahey (Scholars Portal)

Michel Bamouni

Sep 24, 2020, 9:19:14 AM9/24/20
Hi Caitlin

We (INRAE : French National Research Institute for Agriculture, food and Environment) use dataverse as data repository and we are setup an architecture using solr cloud and zookeeper to synchronize the solr data between our two data centers.
So, do not hesitate to contact us if you have some technical questions.

Best regards,


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Caitlin Robles

Oct 13, 2020, 1:53:40 PM10/13/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Michael -

Thanks so much for your response! What is the best way to contact you? My team would love to bounce a few questions of you. 

- Caitlin
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Michel Bamouni

Oct 14, 2020, 4:52:41 AM10/14/20
Hi Caitlin,

You can join us by mail or if you prefer, we can set up a video call.
Below are our emails:

Let's us know your preference.

Best regards

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Caitlin Robles

Oct 14, 2020, 9:04:45 AM10/14/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks so much, we will be in touch Michel!

On Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 4:52:41 AM UTC-4, Michel Bamouni wrote:
Hi Caitlin,

You can join us by mail or if you prefer, we can set up a video call.
Below are our emails:
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Caitlin Robles

Oct 14, 2020, 9:09:37 AM10/14/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Amber -

Thanks for reaching out! At MIT we do not have custodial management of all of datasets created by researchers affiliated with MIT, as often times it makes more sense to have the data hosted in a disciplinary setting, e.g. GenBank, ICPSR, wwPDB, etc. The USA granting/funding structure is also different than many other countries, and does not require a comprehensive report of institutions on research outputs. This makes it difficult to have a big picture of all the work that MIT has produced.  


The goal of the registry is to index MIT's research data, where ever it is stored, thereby providing a single point of discovery for MIT's research data and enhancing awareness and reuse of these data. We are not planning to store the datasets in the registry but we will store metadata about the data sets to support search and discovery.


We realize this is a different use case then what Dataverse was designed for and will be implementing some customizations to the UI so that it better meets our use case. We chose to use Dataverse in this way after reviewing a number of alternatives and realizing that Dataverse’s underlying design and excellent community involvement would best serve our needs while also advancing this use case to a broad community. We look forward to working with the Dataverse community to create solutions for a use case that we know exists beyond MIT. Thank you for your recommendation for coupling Dataverse with the search engine cloud, I will pass that along to my project team to look in to. 


Happy to talk further if you have more questions!





Jonathan Withrow

Oct 14, 2020, 1:07:59 PM10/14/20
Hi Caitlin,

I am working with a team on a project at UNC with similar goals to the ones you mentioned. I would love to hear more about your project. You can email me at 

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Jonathan Withrow

Philipp at UiT

Oct 20, 2020, 1:43:36 AM10/20/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Caitlin and Jonathan,

We at UiT/DataverseNO might also be interested in collaborating on this. I have sent you an email.


Oct 20, 2020, 7:16:13 AM10/20/20
to Dataverse Users Community
We have had similar initial discussions at the University of Copenhagen, though that still seems to lie somewhere in the not so near future.
But I would love to hear more about your project as well.

Best regards,

Falco Hüser
Specialkonsulent – Forskningsdata
/ Senior adviser – Research Data Management

Københavns Universitetsbibliotek / Copenhagen University Library

+45 9132 4325

ORCiD 0000-0001-9645-6691

Matthew Lange

Oct 28, 2020, 1:49:38 AM10/28/20
Caitlin, Michel, 
Creating a registry of services is red. We are scoping something similar as well--and also in the ag/food/health space. We'd also like to find a way to introspect the data along these lines in terms of alignment of data elements with ontologies to ease eventual integration of data.
Looking forward to potential collabs..

Nov 4, 2020, 9:03:01 AM11/4/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi everyone,

FZJ is also seeking for Dataverse to support the registry functionality as a first class use case, maintaining our institutional data repository Jülich DATA (

For example we are interested in adding support for more options to link to remote data storages, not necessarily making them available directly via the web UI, but as FAIR as possible.

We did already added some features in that direction, that upstream didn't want to integrate as IQSS focus differs a bit. See our docs on it here:

We are willing to contribute knowledge and codework. :-)


Matthew Lange

Nov 6, 2020, 4:35:13 PM11/6/20
to,, Chris Baker
It sounds like there is some real interest in developing a use case around registries relative to dataverse. How shall we proceed and organize?

Crosas, Mercè

Nov 7, 2020, 10:29:21 AM11/7/20
to,, Chris Baker
Yes, there is a lot of interest and it's time to gather requirements. This is one of the topics that the new GDCC Metadata Working Group is addressing. All of you interested, please join the working group. Jim Myers is sharing it and sent information to this community list.

I'd be interested in seeing the various use cases that Dataverse should support:

- A Dataverse with only catalog information, no data deposited to the repository (this seems to be MIT use case)
- A Dataverse that can have both: 1)'datasets' with only catalog information and 2) datasets with data deposited in the repository, but each type is clearly distinguished (this could be Harvard Dataverse use case)
- A Dataverse that doesn't allow datasets with only cataloging information


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
University Research Data Management Officer, Harvard University Information Technology
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Harvard University

James Myers

Nov 11, 2020, 11:54:43 AM11/11/20
to,, Chris Baker

FYI: What I’ve started trying to do for the Code/Container and CVV topic groups is to recruit a few people to ~lead the topic discussion, which minimally involves helping to organize an initial meeting with a couple short introductory talks to help scope the topic. We’ll have more discussion about such logistics in the meeting tomorrow.


This is the one topic where I am less sure who is interested+willing+able to help the topic group move forward, so I’d like to ask for volunteers (email me at /speak up at the meeting tomorrow) to get this topic going and to keep it moving.



-- Jim

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