Data Tags in Dataverse

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Hossam El-Zalapany

Feb 5, 2021, 5:34:09 AM2/5/21
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear Community

I just wonder if the Data Tags project still alive? and if there is any documentation about deploying and integrating it with Dataverse? 

many thanks  


Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Feb 5, 2021, 5:50:20 AM2/5/21
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Hossam,

DANS did a prototyping of DataTags on the frontend level, some time ago I've created this presentation:

Still it has to implemented on the backend level, with encryption, anonymization etc. Feel free to ask questions.

Senior Information Scientist

Philip Durbin

Feb 5, 2021, 11:03:00 AM2/5/21
DataTags is on the roadmap under "Future" at

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Philipp at UiT

Feb 6, 2021, 1:10:46 AM2/6/21
to Dataverse Users Community
(Sorry, this has recently become my standard reply:) I might add here that DataverseNO has applied for a grant to upgrade its infrastructure. In one of the work packages, called "Data Privacy", partner institutions within the DataverseNO consortium together with international partners (DANS, Harvard, UNC) are planning to 1) adapt the DataTags framework to GDPR legislation with possible adjustments for use in Norway, and 2) to integrate the adapted DataTags framework with DataverseNO. I'm sure the results of this work would/will be useful for others in the Dataverse community as well. Unfortunately, we won't know whether we get this grant before October/November.

Best, Philipp

Hossam El-Zalapany

Feb 8, 2021, 5:43:44 AM2/8/21
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear Slava

Many thanks for your reply, I actually had a look at your presentation and prototype FE approach. I was wondering because we are in the planning phase of using Dataverse as RD repo in my Uni. the problem is that many data sets are gathered from 3ed parties, come with Non-disclosure agreements, and need special care to manage. 
currently, my only possible approach to designing the architect is to have 2 instances of Dataverse, but one of them behind a VPN and some security measures to access the files via proxy for instance. leaving the other instance for OA and self depositing. 
I think Tags solves this issue specifically, that is why I was very interested to learn if it came to light yet. 


Hossam El-Zalapany

Feb 8, 2021, 5:45:59 AM2/8/21
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear Philipp

Thanks for the detailed reply and your effort, I believe as you mentioned, it is indeed a redundant use case that many institutions would benefit from it. Good luck with your fund and keep us posted if something new came along 


Crosas, Mercè

Mar 18, 2021, 7:36:05 PM3/18/21
Hossam, Philipp, and others, 

Sorry about the later reply about DataTags. Yes, DataTags is still alive and we are still considering it as a key part of eventually providing full support for sensitive data in Datvaerse. The priorities, at least for Dataverse development at Harvard/IQSS, related to sensitive data are as follows:
  1. Integrate OpenDP with the Dataverse software to enable differential privacy releases of sensitive tabular data files or de-identified data files with a risk of re-identification (for any installation that wants to use this functionality, through an external tool integration)
  2. Support remote storage for sensitive datasets 
  3. Support DataTags levels in the Dataverse software (blue, green, yellow for non-sensitive files and orange, red for sensitive files)
  4. Integrate DataTags interview tool (in the style that DataverseNO is implementing, for example) to assist data depositors in assigning a DataTag level to a data file.
I hope this helps.


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
University Research Data Management Officer, Harvard University Information Technology
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Harvard University

Hossam El-Zalapany

May 24, 2022, 5:48:11 AM5/24/22
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear Mercè

Thanks a lot for your reply, 
I wonder if there are any updates on that road map yet?


Philip Durbin

May 26, 2022, 4:13:44 PM5/26/22
Hi Hossam,

Thanks for asking about the roadmap and DataTags.

You may have missed the news that Mercè left Harvard and now works for the government of Catalonia: (we miss her!).

I'm not in change of the roadmap but I asked around and got this as an answer:

We will be updating the Dataverse roadmap in the next couple weeks to reflect changes in priority related to our current commitments, including our GREI NIH grant. DataTags is something we want to continue to explore in the context of the NIH GREI program. We are looking to revisit DataTags later this calendar year. At that time, we'll have a clearer projection of timeline and scope.

I hope this helps!


Hossam El-Zalapany

Sep 8, 2022, 7:43:55 AM9/8/22
to Dataverse Users Community
Embarrassing it is to reply so late. I did not manage to see your reply in time. But many thanks Philip for the updates, and best luck to Mercè. 
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