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Potential New Dataverse Instillation FIU - Lightning Talk

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Sherry Lake

Jan 16, 2020, 9:12:02 AM1/16/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Forwarding info on a talk about developing a dataverse installation at Florida International University (see the last talk below).

The sign up link is below. I'll be watching and can report back.

On 1/14/20, 7:36 PM, " on behalf of Brianna Marshall" < on behalf of> wrote:


Dear colleagues, 


We hope you will join the DSS Open Research Discussion Group Midwinter business meeting, which will be held next Tuesday, January 21st at 11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST



We'll take 10 minutes at the beginning of the hour for our brief business meeting, then segue to lightning talks at 20 minutes apiece, leaving us with 10 minutes for Q&A. This meeting is open to all; you don't need to be a member of the Open Research Discussion Group to join. 


We are pleased to feature two lightning talks related to open-related projects by DSS members Cal Murgu and Jill Krefft (see below). The topics are rather different, so we've also asked both speakers to address how they garnered buy-in for open at their institutions, including any open advocacy suggestions they have for convincing internal and/or external stakeholders to move forward on an open-related initiative. 

See you next week! 

Brianna and Verletta, DSS OR DG co-convenors



Introducing a 'Shiny' Tool for Library Strategic Planning: Lightweight, Open-source Tool for Visualizing and Reporting Library Relationships

Cal Murgu, New College of Florida


It is often the case that when a colleague leaves an institution, they take with them specific knowledge about the institution and their work that had accumulated over the period of their tenure. The relationships with faculty, students, other staff, for example, that had been sustained for years are at risk of being lost if they are not documented and revitalized by other colleagues. At the New College of Florida, we sought to develop a tool that allowed us to quickly visualize the relationships of our instructional librarians with teaching faculty using our internal data. This talk shares our experience creating a Shiny app that is a lightweight, open-source alternative to other applications (like Gephi or UCInet) that supplements the visualization features currently available in LibInsight. 


Developing An Open Institutional Data Repository

Jill Krefft, Florida International University


  The talk will present on the development of an open access institutional research data repository that collects and curates research data created by the FIU community. Through development of a local instance of Dataverse, I will discuss how we seek to fill a need for findable, usable and openly accessible datasets that support our local and global communities.


This "meeting" is at the ALA winter meeting next month. DSS is the Digital Scholarship Section (in the division ACRL), yep ALA is BIG with confusing sections/divisions:

The "Open Research Discussion Group" (of the DSS) is the group that is having this meeting - as I said, confusing!!


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