Hi Michael,
I would love to re-visit the guide link "solution" which also causes confusion and problems. Here's how I had to configure (and work around) our UVa version of the User guides on
There are two configurations (please let me know if there are others): GuidesBaseURL and GuidesVersion
But using these you still do not have control over where (the directory path) your guides are located.
The configuration settings replace the default path, above like this: GuidesBaseURL/en/GuidesVersion/user
So the only things you can change are the root/base URL and part of the URL path. You still have to have the directory "en" AND "user" for the new guide URL to work.
UVa has configured:
GuidesVersion as current
So I had to make sure that the guide version was under the "en" directory and that it had a "user" directory. I use the same sphinx documentation that Harvard uses, so "user" is automatically created, but I have to move it around to get the contents in the right place for my customized user guide to link correctly.
And yes the link text at the top is not configurable - it is static "User Guides".
I've created a few issues in the past on User guide linking that have all been closed, but not necessarily fixed or addressed in full.
Be glad to talk some more about more adjustable links. But it is useful to know that all the guide links are tightly connected to the email notifications and maybe they shouldn't?