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New in Dataverse 4.0 Beta: Reset Password & Dataset Templates

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Eleni Castro

Sep 3, 2014, 12:37:27 PM9/3/14

Dataset Templates & Reset Password

Last week, Dataverse 4.0 Beta received an update to include password resetting and Dataset metadata templates functionality.

Reset Your Account Password

Forgot your password for Dataverse 4.0 Beta? Well no need to worry, you can easily reset your password now!

Click on the “Log In” link on  the top right-hand side of the page and then click on the “Forgot your password?” text beneath, which is where you would enter your account password.



Next, you will be asked to enter the email address associated with your Dataverse account to receive an email with a link to reset your password.


After submitting your password request, you will receive an email from Dataverse with a link to reset your account password. Once you click on the link sent to you in the email, you will return to Dataverse and be asked to enter a new password.


And now you have a new Dataverse password!

Dataset Templates

Templates are useful when you have several datasets that have the same information in multiple metadata fields that you would prefer not to have to keep manually typing in. In Dataverse 4.0, templates are created at the dataverse level, can be deleted (so it does not show for future datasets), set to default (not required), and can be cloned. When a template is deleted, it does not impact the datasets that have used the template already.

So, how do you create a template? Navigate to your dataverse, click on the Edit Dataverse button and select Dataset Templates.



If you have no templates created, the page should look like this:


Click on the Create Dataset Template to get started. You will see that the template is the same as the create dataset page with an additional field at the top of the page to add a name for the template.


After adding information into the metadata fields you have information for and clicking save, you will be brought back to the Manage Dataset Templates page and should see your template listed in there now with several options.

A dataverse does not have to have a default template and users can select which template they would like to use while on the Create Dataset page. You can also click on the View button on the Manage Dataset Templates page to see what metadata fields have information filled in.


Please note that the ability to choose which metadata fields are required or hidden will be available  on the “General Information” page for a dataverse when selecting sets of metadata elements, i.e.-Geospatial, Biomedical, etc, for a dataverse. (Click on the “Edit Dataverse” button then “General Information”). This functionality is coming soon!

Go ahead and try these new features out now:

* Beta is only a testing environment so any data stored on Beta is temporary and will eventually be removed. To upload real data and receive a formal data citation, please use

** Only datasets that have no restrictions and are non-identifiable data can be uploaded to Beta.

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