No information about Terms of Use / licenses in DataCitea and DDI metadata export

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Philipp Conzett

Jun 17, 2024, 1:09:54 AMJun 17
to Dataverse Users Community
Doing som research on how metadata is exposed in our Dataverse installation, DataverseNO (v5.14), I discovered that when exporting the metadata of a dataset to, e.g., DataCite og DDI, no information about the Terms of Use / License is included in the export. I did some random testing also on Harvard Dataverse (v6.2), and it seems ToU/License information isn't inlcuded there either. Here is an example:

The same seems to be true for OAI-PMH harvesting:

Is this intentional?


James Myers

Jun 17, 2024, 3:47:55 PMJun 17




License/TofU info is being added to the XML sent to DataCite in #10615 (which basically follows the additions that were made in the OpenAire exporter, with some changes, like updating to DataCite v4.5, under review).


In DDI, the dataAccs element includes all the fields we have that map to the DDI schema, but that doesn’t include the license, Terms of Use or Terms of Access. We are adding the Terms of Access in a <notes type="DVN:TOA" level="dv"> element within <dataAccs> - as for this QDR dataset: .

There is a “DVN:TOU” constant in the code, but I don’t see it in use in the current export code – not sure if that was dropped at some point or not. (There is some code to read a note of that type during import to create a Terms of Use entry, but there’s nothing to handle a standard license.).

If there’s a standard/consensus way to add license info to DDI, I don’t think there’s any reason not to (would need to check the impact on Harvesting). (And if there isn’t a consensus, with external exporters subgroups could potentially add this information where they think it should go and use those external exporters to override the internal ones.)


For OIA_DC – I see that the license is included in the “Dublin Core” export from the UI but the OIA_DC export for harvesting is limited, per a code comment,  to the “original 15” fields that don’t include dcterms:license (or the Terms of Use and Restriction fields that get added as dcterms:rights entries). I assume that was mostly for backward compatibility and is something that probably could be re-assessed – others are more familiar with Harvesting than I am so I don’t know how much work would be involved.


-- Jim

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Philipp Conzett

Jun 18, 2024, 1:38:55 AMJun 18
to Dataverse Users Community

Thanks, Jim.

I've added this to the list of things to be re-assessed.


Janet McDougall - Australian Data Archive

Jun 18, 2024, 9:32:44 AMJun 18
to Dataverse Users Community
hi Philipp and Jim
I haven't looked at DDI codebook schema for quite some time, but would definitly like to see 'Terms' fields included where possible.  I will also take a look at as soon as I get a chance.

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Amber Leahey

Jun 21, 2024, 9:47:08 AMJun 21
to Dataverse Users Community
Here is an open ticket for DDI Feature Request/Idea: Add Standard CC and Custom Licenses to DDI Export Metadata · Issue #9871 · IQSS/dataverse (
I think we should move these schema mappings to the new Exporter metadata tools and give more maintenance and updating control to the community and DDI / metadata experts. 
I would like to help with this if possible if it goes this way! Exciting :)

Amber Leahey

Jun 21, 2024, 9:47:08 AMJun 21
to Dataverse Users Community
oh yes, these are known issues (see  Feature Request/Idea: Add Standard CC and Custom Licenses to DDI Export Metadata · Issue #9871 · IQSS/dataverse ( and others) 
I think we need to leverage the new exporter framework for all metadata schema exports including DataCite and DDI (many flavours and new possibilities!)  and put this mapping stuff in the control of the community and DDI experts a bit more...for maintainance and updating :)
I'd like to be involved if possible if things go this way. 
Many thanks, 

On Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 09:32:44 UTC-4 Janet McDougall - Australian Data Archive wrote:

Amber Leahey

Jun 21, 2024, 9:47:08 AMJun 21
to Dataverse Users Community
We have a codebook schema in XML from Dataverse see:
I agree with Jim, this should go to Metadata Standard Exporters and community updates can help to improve these mappings!

On Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 09:32:44 UTC-4 Janet McDougall - Australian Data Archive wrote:
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