We are finalizing our instructions to include some lessons learned but upgrading from v3.6.2 to v4.0 involves three major steps:
1. Create a new environment using Glassfish v4.1, Postgres 9.3, Java 1.7, according to the Installation Guide:
2. Migrate the database and files from v3.6.2 instance to v4.0.x
-move files and point to their location, update jvm option in the Glassfish domain.xml file
3. Reindex all metadata
Depending on how much data you have, this can take some time. A complete reindex of our Dataverse takes between 1 and 2 days but we have 30,000 datasets.
To index all:
-first clear the lastindextime from the dvobject table:
update dvobject set lastindextime=null;
-next run index all by entering the following into a browser:
We recommend trying this all on a test machine first to understand how to execute all the steps. You should also record and verify the main object counts: dataverses, datasets (studies), files, and users. Last, confirm you can create new objects, update
existing/ migrated objects, and review a sample of your migrated dataverses, datasets and files.
We have used these scripts and process in our own production environment so everything works but there is always some variations in data so a review is recommended.