Hi Erin,
Basic search covers most fields, 236 of them based on the latest code on my laptop but this includes custom metadata blocks used by Harvard Dataverse.
Basic search is powered by a "catch all" field in Solr (the search engine software used by Dataverse) that's called "_text_" but you don't search on this field directly. Just doing a basic search looks in this "catch all" field.
The way that Dataverse populates this "catch all" field is by using Solr's "copyField" feature to copy lots and lots of Dataverse metadata fields into the "catch all" field.
To see the list of fields searched by basic search, you could look in the Solr config[1] for "copyField" and "_text" and exclude comments (<!-- -->) like this:
grep copyField conf/solr/7.3.0/schema.xml | grep _text_ | grep -v '<!--'
I'll include a list of the fields covered by basic search below[2] using this "grep" (and some cleanup).
There are more details I could go into but I hope this helps. If this isn't clear, please let me know!
2. List of fields covered by basic search (includes custom metadata blocks used by Harvard Dataverse)
- description
- variableName
- variableLabel
- dvSubject
- dvAffiliation
- dsPersistentId
- name
- fileType
- fileNameWithoutExtension
- PSRI10
- PSRI11
- accessToSources
- actionsToMinimizeLoss
- alternativeTitle
- alternativeURL
- astroFacility
- astroInstrument
- astroObject
- astroType
- author
- authorAffiliation
- authorIdentifier
- authorIdentifierScheme
- authorName
- characteristicOfSources
- city
- classificationSchemaCHIA
- cleaningOperations
- collectionMode
- collectorTraining
- contributor
- contributorName
- contributorType
- controlOperations
- country
- coverage.Depth
- coverage.ObjectCount
- coverage.ObjectDensity
- coverage.Polarization
- coverage.Redshift.MaximumValue
- coverage.Redshift.MinimumValue
- coverage.RedshiftValue
- coverage.SkyFraction
- coverage.Spatial
- coverage.Spectral.Bandpass
- coverage.Spectral.CentralWavelength
- coverage.Spectral.MaximumWavelength
- coverage.Spectral.MinimumWavelength
- coverage.Spectral.Wavelength
- coverage.Temporal
- coverage.Temporal.StartTime
- coverage.Temporal.StopTime
- dataCollectionSituation
- dataCollector
- dataSources
- datadePublicao
- datasetContact
- datasetContactAffiliation
- datasetContactEmail
- datasetContactName
- datasetLevelErrorNotes
- dateOfCollection
- dateOfCollectionEnd
- dateOfCollectionStart
- dateOfDeposit
- datesAdditionalInformationCHIA
- depositor
- deviationsFromSampleDesign
- distributionDate
- distributor
- distributorAbbreviation
- distributorAffiliation
- distributorLogoURL
- distributorName
- distributorURL
- dsDescription
- dsDescriptionDate
- dsDescriptionValue
- eastLongitude
- frequencyOfDataCollection
- geographicBoundingBox
- geographicCoverage
- geographicUnit
- grantNumber
- grantNumberAgency
- grantNumberValue
- gsdAccreditation
- gsdCoordinator
- gsdCourseName
- gsdFacultyName
- gsdPrizes
- gsdProgramBrief
- gsdRecommendation
- gsdSemester
- gsdSiteType
- gsdStudentName
- gsdStudentProgram
- gsdTags
- gsdTypes
- hbgdkiAnthropometry
- hbgdkiBiosampleType
- hbgdkiBirthWeight
- hbgdkiFeedingCare
- hbgdkiGestationalAge
- hbgdkiImmunizations
- hbgdkiInfantChildhoodMorbidity
- hbgdkiIntervention
- hbgdkiLowerLimitAge
- hbgdkiMaternalChar
- hbgdkiNeurocognitiveDev
- hbgdkiOther
- hbgdkiPregnancyBirth
- hbgdkiSocioeconomicChar
- hbgdkiStudyName
- hbgdkiStudyRegistry
- hbgdkiStudyRegistryNumber
- hbgdkiStudyRegistryType
- hbgdkiStudyType
- hbgdkiUnitsLowerLimitAge
- hbgdkiUnitsUpperLimitAge
- hbgdkiUpperLimitAge
- hbgdkiWaterSanHygiene
- journalArticleType
- journalIssue
- journalPubDate
- journalVolume
- journalVolumeIssue
- keyword
- keywordValue
- keywordVocabulary
- keywordVocabularyURI
- kindOfData
- language
- localdePublicao
- mraCollection
- northLongitude
- notesText
- numero
- originOfSources
- otherDataAppraisal
- otherGeographicCoverage
- otherId
- otherIdAgency
- otherIdValue
- otherReferences
- producer
- producerAbbreviation
- producerAffiliation
- producerLogoURL
- producerName
- producerURL
- productionDate
- productionPlace
- proprietrio
- provenanceCHIA
- psiBehavior
- psiDonor
- psiHealthArea
- psiIntervention
- psiPopulation
- psiProductsServices
- psiStudyDesignElement
- psiStudyType
- publication
- publicationCitation
- publicationIDNumber
- publicationIDType
- publicationURL
- redshiftType
- relatedDatasets
- relatedMaterial
- researchInstrument
- resolution.Redshift
- resolution.Spatial
- resolution.Spectral
- resolution.Temporal
- responseRate
- rightsAvailabilityCHIA
- samplingErrorEstimates
- samplingProcedure
- series
- seriesInformation
- seriesName
- socialScienceNotes
- socialScienceNotesSubject
- socialScienceNotesText
- socialScienceNotesType
- software
- softwareName
- softwareVersion
- sourceCHIA
- southLongitude
- state
- studyAssayCellType
- studyAssayMeasurementType
- studyAssayOrganism
- studyAssayOtherMeasurmentType
- studyAssayOtherOrganism
- studyAssayPlatform
- studyAssayTechnologyType
- studyDesignType
- studyFactorType
- subject
- subtitle
- targetSampleActualSize
- targetSampleSize
- targetSampleSizeFormula
- timeMethod
- timePeriodCovered
- timePeriodCoveredEnd
- timePeriodCoveredStart
- title
- titulo
- topicClassValue
- topicClassVocab
- topicClassVocabURI
- topicClassification
- unitOfAnalysis
- universe
- variablesCHIA
- weighting
- westLongitude