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Hello Dataverse community!

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Tania Schlatter

Nov 15, 2016, 2:17:09 PM11/15/16
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi all,

My name is Tania Schlatter, and I recently joined IQSS and the Harvard Dataverse team. I'm working with Julian, Derek, Mike, Danny, and the development team on short and long-term user experience, interface, and usability efforts. We are busy working on features for the 4.6 release and planning improvements for 4.7. Folks in this user community are a key part of what we do. As you may have seen, Julian and Derek have been working on surveys to help us understand general priorities, we are scheduling follow-up interviews to get at a little more detail, and we are working on 4.6 usability testing, all at the same time. 

Thank you for responding to our recent requests! We will have a request for usability test participants very soon, and it is great hearing from the community on issues large and small. 

Best to all,

Tania Schlatter


Nov 15, 2016, 6:01:11 PM11/15/16
to Dataverse Users Community
Tania - great to have you on the team!!!
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