Support for Dataverse in multiple languages coming soon! (Internationalization)

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Amber Leahey

Sep 10, 2018, 11:53:32 AM9/10/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi everyone, 

The Dataverse team and community are working hard to make Dataverse available in different languages. Check out the new Language Toggle feature github issue #4685 and Internationalization Project related issues

This development is part of an ongoing project to internationalize the Dataverse system which will allow the growing international community to configure Dataverse to work in other languages. This will also support the setup of a new system and workflow for maintaining translations and language files in a centralized space outside of the core moving forward. 

Over the years, we've heard from a number of organizations that make Dataverse available in multiple languages, here are the current languages supported (versions vary): 
  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Slovenian
  • Swedish
  • Ukrainian 
  • Chinese
  • Others?
Some additional code changes will be made over the coming months to ensure this is released to the larger DV community. If you are interested in contributing translations, additional language files, testing feedback, etc., for sharing with others on this topic please reply to this thread. 

A community effort is required to centralize and maintain these language files and translations moving forward. Our objective is to make Dataverse work in different languages, increase local adoption, and allow development to run smoothly without interference by version changes and translation additions. 

We'd love to hear from you if you think this will be useful for your Dataverse! 

Special thanks to the Harvard IQSS Dev team, Jayanthy Chengan (Scholars Portal/OCUL), Université de Montréal, DANS & DataverseEU, and others who have contributed to making Dataverse work in multiple languages. 

Amber Leahey

Sep 10, 2018, 12:20:53 PM9/10/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Amber,

We (Université de Montréal) will surely be interested in continuing to work on the French version (within a multilingual application approach) of Dataverse since we have already invested a lot of work for this purpose as you are already aware of. However, we are interested in working with other institutions that would like to contribute to the French version and / or wish to contribute to solve problems related to multilingualism.

Marie-Hélène Vézina
Librarian, Université de Montréal

Geneviève Michaud

Sep 11, 2018, 5:35:25 AM9/11/18
to Dataverse Users Community

Hi Amber, Marie-Hélène,

Here at Sciences Po Paris, we are definitely willing to contribute to French version and deal with multilingualism management.


Juan Corrales

Sep 11, 2018, 5:49:52 AM9/11/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Amber, 

  We are working to translate to Spanish the Dataverse develop branch. We can contribute in testing and feedback.

  Thanks many to all and especially to Jayanthy Chengan for the great work that he is doing. 

Juan Corrales (Consorcio Madroño)

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Sep 11, 2018, 7:35:27 AM9/11/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Amber,

We have two more languages coming to DataverseEU in the end of September (Italian and Hungarian) and metadata schema should be also translated. 
Also we're working on the implementation of plugin to get localization of controlled vocabularies for keyword fields, should be available in the end of October.

Slava (DANS)

Philipp at UiT

Sep 11, 2018, 2:12:28 PM9/11/18
to Dataverse Users Community
We'd like to contribute with/to a Norwegian version.

Philipp (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

Sep 12, 2018, 8:51:53 AM9/12/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks to everyone for the community efforts around internationalization! As was suggested on the call, we have brought back the internationalization Dataverse group for further coordination:

- Danny

Pedro Principe

Sep 12, 2018, 12:36:40 PM9/12/18
to Dataverse Users Community
University of Minho from Portugal is interested and available to work on the Portuguese translation.

Pedro Principe

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Sep 12, 2018, 4:27:13 PM9/12/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Pedro,

Great news, we're very keen to have portuguese as supported language for CESSDA DataverseEU project (web interface, metadata schema and controlled vocabularies).


Sep 13, 2018, 10:11:16 AM9/13/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Bonjour Geneviève,

Feel free to comment and/or contribute.

Marie-Hélène Vézina, Université de Montréal

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Sep 13, 2018, 10:26:00 AM9/13/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Just small comment: French version from by translated by organization of Geneviève.

Slava (DANS)

Amber Leahey

Sep 13, 2018, 12:42:30 PM9/13/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Thanks, Danny!

So everyone head over / subscribe to this new group. I'll provide more updates about the project in that forum moving forward. 

Thanks again for all the interest and support on this, hope to touch base soon! 


Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Sep 19, 2018, 7:50:49 AM9/19/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Great news, we have added Italian in the list of supported languages in DataverseEU project:


On Monday, September 10, 2018 at 5:53:32 PM UTC+2, Amber Leahey wrote:

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Oct 17, 2018, 1:08:51 PM10/17/18
to Dataverse Users Community

Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 6.59.00 PM.png

Hi everyone,

We have extended DataverseEU with support of Hungarian language, please feel free to test:


On Monday, September 10, 2018 at 5:53:32 PM UTC+2, Amber Leahey wrote:
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