Hi Shubham,
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Shubham Sharma
letters...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am finally able to install the DVN network for the NZSSDS (New Zealand
> Social Science Data Service) Its up and running internally in University of
> Auckland network and will be accessible to everyone once i finish uploading
> the data.
> I had a query though, it seems that port 6311 which is meant for Rserve was
> not open and its not running. I opened the 6311 port AFTER the installation
> however it still is not running. I was wondering how to make Rserve
> functional as well, do i have to run the installation script again or is
> there any other option? Thanks.
I've installed a fresh Dataverse Network a number of times but I had
never installed Rserve until this morning...
During installation, I've always just let this message fly by: "DVN
can function without a working R server, but much of the functionality
concerning running statistics and analysis on quantitative data will
not be available."
I decided to see if I could easily install Rserve after the fact and
it worked just fine. I now see "powered by Zelig" after clicking
"Access Analysis + Subsetting."
I just added a "Installing R and Rserve" section to
https://github.com/dvn/dvn-install-demo to show the steps I followed
It pretty much came down to `yum install R R-devel`, running
`installModules.sh` from
http://dvn.iq.harvard.edu/dist/R/dvnextra.tar, and `service rserve
start` but there's more detail at
I hope this is helpful. It was certainly interesting for me to install
Rserve for the first time. Please let us know if you have any more
p.s. Terry and Elda, I saw your replies to Shubham as well. I don't
mean anything I say above to contradict what you've written. I just
like hands on examples within a virtual machine. Thanks for weighing
in with your thoughts!
p.p.s. Shubham, I stumbled across your
post the other day when I googled for "dataverse smtp". Nice write up!
I shared it on a new Dataverse Network "page" I started on Google+:
Philip Durbin
Software Developer for