Is there a way to implement a user-defined dataset/dataverse page?

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zsss z

Nov 7, 2023, 3:17:33 AM11/7/23
to Dataverse Users Community
hello Dataverse,
I currently focus on data visualization work. I have some data need to share in my own deployed Dataverse. I noticed that users can explore datasets through This is a good practice for research data reuse, but it is impractical for me. I hope there is a way to explore the visualization content directly on the dataset page, such as embedding voila rendered content based on the ipynb file in the dataset page, then we can fully use existing resources to show our data visualization work.
Another thing is that now only the homepage can fully customize the page style/layout, which also limits our users, whether it is possible to achieve complete customization based on the data set uploaded by the user. The basic situation is to display the user's file as a dataset description just like GitHub. I think a more interesting approach might be to refer to Quilt and let users decide what content should be displayed first on the dataset page.

Thanks in advance!

Philip Durbin

Nov 7, 2023, 2:01:22 PM11/7/23
Ha. My plan was to link to and say that someone recently opened an issue asking for a previewer for Jupyter notebooks, but it was you! :)

It's a good idea. If you or anyone reading this can implement this and make a pull request, it would be much appreciated!

Something else that's new is a rich HTML previewer:

We've had an HTML previewer for a while but it doesn't execute Javascript. This is now possible with the rich HTML previewer but you should only enable it if you can trust that no malicious Javascript will be uploaded to your installation.

I do like GitHub's new "README for your profile" capability. I use it myself. (I'm not sure what Quilt is. I did look a bit.)

As you may know, we are in the process of decoupling the Dataverse UI from the backend. In theory, you could create your own Dataverse UI, perhaps even using components from the new design system: . There's a new working group talking about this:

I hope this helps. Please keep the questions and ideas coming!


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zsss z

Nov 7, 2023, 9:23:12 PM11/7/23
to Dataverse Users Community
sorry, I lost the Quilt's link when editing the message,   it is . in short words, users can share data and configure the layout of the overview page by themself, and users have more control over the UI. It is also a SPA application like Dataverse's new frontend

I think some of my work still can be done through the previewer, thanks for your tips.

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