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Implementing some form of folder structure

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Andrés Muñoz Jaramillo

Jun 8, 2016, 4:18:24 PM6/8/16
to Dataverse Users Community
Hi Guys!

First let me congratulate you for the great work you are doing.  Also, I don't know if this is the right place to put this suggestion so please let me know if I should do it somewhere else.   

Me and my community users feel that the current structure of the subverses and databases within a dataverse is counter-intuitive and obfuscating.

Right now, when you enter a dataverse you see every subverse and database within it.   While this works great for the highest level where people may be interested in the latest and newest, it is working essentially as if you would open a file explorer/finder to see every single foder and every single file in your hardrive ordered alphabetically.

Is there any chance that users can choose to display their subverses and databases as if they were folders and files?   This way large repositories can be arranged in trees that makes browsing and searching data intuitive and natural.

Please keep up the great work,


Philip Durbin

Jun 8, 2016, 4:43:28 PM6/8/16
Just today someone dropped by our office asking the same thing. For now all I can offer you are some related issues to read through:


Thanks for the feedback and the kind words. I guess I'm wondering if there's a webapp out there that has implemented what you're looking for.

It *is* possible to see direct children of a dataverse using the "contents" endpoint of the native API:


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Mercè Crosas

Jun 8, 2016, 4:52:02 PM6/8/16

Thanks for bringing this up. As Phil says, other groups are interested in the same functionality for browsing and navigating through dataverses and through files within a dataset. There is increasing demand for these features. I'll review this with Elizabeth Quigley, our UX lead, and then discuss it with the dataverse development team.


Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, IQSS
Harvard University

Andrés Muñoz Jaramillo

Jun 8, 2016, 4:58:07 PM6/8/16
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear Mercè and Phil,

Thank you very much for your prompt answers!   I'm in the process of assembling a comprehensive repository for my community within the harvard dataverse:

and this is a feature that the users have complained consistently about.   I have already interacted with your team through github before and you have been impressibly  responsive.  How can I help spread the word within your team.  Do you want me to make a comment in the issues mentioned by Phil?  Or is this post sufficient? (I don't want to swamp you with redundant requests).

take care,

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