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Dataverse and geo-spatial data

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Luís de Sousa

Sep 19, 2018, 4:44:29 AM9/19/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Dear all,

first of all, my apologies if this topic has been discussed already but there is no search function in this forum. The user guide includes a short section on geo-spatial data [0], that raises more questions than answers. I can try to condense my doubts at this time in the following questions:

 1. The guide references a single vector file format, the outdated shapefile. What about state-of-the-art formats like GeoPackage or GeoJSON? Is there a list of supported vector formats somewhere?

 2. No reference is made to raster data. Is it at all supported? Which file formats? I would be mostly interested in GeoTIFF and VRT.

 3. What is the level of support to OGC web services? Are any services created once a geo-spatial dataset is loaded into the platform?

 4. Is it possible to add a OGC service as a dataset? What level of geo-spatial interoperability is provided by Dataverse?

 5. The user guide states: "in order to map your data file, a copy will be sent to Harvard’s WorldMap platform", this leads to two fundamental questions:
  5.1. what if the dataset is a multi-GB raster file?
  5.2 what if the dataset licence prevents distribution to third parties?

Hopefully that is not too much for a single thread. Regards.

Philip Durbin

Sep 19, 2018, 7:32:44 AM9/19/18
Hi! The short section you found should probably link to the longer section at

There you'll see that in addition to shapefiles, maps can be created from tabular data such as Excel files or CSV files with latitude/longitude coordinates, census tracts, zip codes, etc.

Only published, non-restricted data can be sent from Dataverse to WorldMap.

I don't believe there's any support for the other items in your list but I will at least mention that when you send data to WorldMap, it will created GeoJSON and GeoTIFF and other formats, which we've thought about linking to from the Dataverse side:

Please do feel free to open a GitHub issue to link the page you found to the longer one.

I hope this helps!


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Luís de Sousa

Sep 24, 2018, 4:03:48 AM9/24/18
to Dataverse Users Community
Hello again,

would there be any other medium to address in order to obtain answers to the questions above? Philip Durbin partially addressed question 1, but all the other questions are relevant.

Thank you.

Philip Durbin

Sep 24, 2018, 6:42:24 AM9/24/18
You can find some other contact options at and the README at

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