Dear all,
first of all, my apologies if this topic has been discussed already but there is no search function in this forum. The user guide includes a short section on geo-spatial data [0], that raises more questions than answers. I can try to condense my doubts at this time in the following questions:
1. The guide references a single vector file format, the outdated shapefile. What about state-of-the-art formats like GeoPackage or GeoJSON? Is there a list of supported vector formats somewhere?
2. No reference is made to raster data. Is it at all supported? Which file formats? I would be mostly interested in GeoTIFF and VRT.
3. What is the level of support to OGC web services? Are any services created once a geo-spatial dataset is loaded into the platform?
4. Is it possible to add a OGC service as a dataset? What level of geo-spatial interoperability is provided by Dataverse?
5. The user guide states: "
in order to map your data file, a copy will be sent to Harvard’s WorldMap platform", this leads to two fundamental questions:
5.1. what if the dataset is a multi-GB raster file?
5.2 what if the dataset licence prevents distribution to third parties?
Hopefully that is not too much for a single thread. Regards.