Feature Request Discussion: Access (from/to) Cloud Storage services (e.g., Dropbox, github)

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August Muench

Dec 5, 2013, 11:17:23 AM12/5/13
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
I'd like to kick off another end user feature request discussion (previous threads have included user interface changes, access to data files and metadata models/templates).

This one I'd like to discuss access to/from cloud storage services in Dataverse.

The specific use case I had in mind was one where scientists/researchers use a cloud storage service as a "workbench" for collaborative (also: real time, versioned/unversioned, prepublication) data analysis. 

The types of interactions that I might envision between these services/workbenches and Dataverse include:

  1. push/freeze: from the cloud service to a study.
  2. pull/unfreeze: from dataverse to a workbench 
I'm happy to add more description of these interactions for any other of the 100 Dataverse "users" on this forum who don't get what I'm talking about. I feel it more likely that a subset (of non-Dataverse developers) know exactly what I'm talking about, and hopefully will jump in to flesh this out.


 - Gus

PS: to remind I'm coming at this from the "astronomers" perspective. some astronomer developers have started building such services. here is a list:

Philip Durbin

Dec 5, 2013, 11:26:36 AM12/5/13
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
I'm reminded of this blog post, especially the phrase "version of record":

Citing Bytes - Adventures in Data Citation: Frozen Datasets are
Useful, So are Active ones -

Gus, you seem to be saying that SciDrive is where the "active" dataset
would be stored and Dataverse is where the "frozen" dataset would be

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Philip Durbin
Software Developer for http://thedata.org

Merce Crosas

Dec 6, 2013, 11:39:26 AM12/6/13
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com

As you know, I'm fully supportive of this idea. A note of caution though, it would be good to formally capture the changes in a dataset when a new version of the dataset is pushed back to Dataverse from the workbench. This could be in the form of a note for version 2, but we might be loosing some of the intermediate steps that happened in the workbench which could be useful for provenance trail.

Still, your suggestion seems a good compromise between the researcher workflow and the data publishing workflow.


On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 11:17 AM, August Muench <augus...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Mercè Crosas, Ph.D.
Director of Data Science, IQSS
Harvard University

Stephen Marks

Dec 6, 2013, 3:17:50 PM12/6/13
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
I like the idea of this functionality as well. I'm always supportive of meeting the researchers "where they are", process-wise, and with DV's versioning you could almost provide a CVS-like model for datasets. Maintaining provenance is definitely a concern, I wonder if there would be some way to use the UNF algorithm to generate a kind of 'diff' for the data. This could be used as a default comment for the commit back to DV.

Really, I'm just making stuff up on a Friday afternoon. =)


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