list-domains: domain1 running; stop-domain: domain1 not running?

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Aug 16, 2016, 8:22:26 AM8/16/16
to Dataverse Users Community
I'm trying to deploy a slightly refactored dataverse.war on a vagrant created with a variant of

When merged with the develop branch I got RoleAssigment exceptions, so I based my changes on the commit tagged as 4.4 and I can browse dataverse again. However, despite set-log-leves of the changed classes I don't see the added fine logging to prove I'm really executing my own code.

What riddles me is the following (advised at ):

$ /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin
Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
asadmin> list-domains -l
domain1  localhost   4848        true     false
Command list-domains executed successfully.
asadmin> stop-domain
CLI306: Warning - The server located at /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1 is not running.
Command stop-domain executed successfully.

Is domain1 running or not?

Another riddle: when I execute a service glassfish stop, (advised at I can still browse the dataverse web pages.

Any help to get the desired logging would be much appreciated.


Philip Durbin

Aug 16, 2016, 9:13:50 AM8/16/16
Huh. I tend to use `asadmin list-applications` a lot more than `asadmin list-domains`. It sounds strange to me that either one of those commands would work at all if glassfish is down, which is what the "domain1 is not running" warning seems to be telling you.

I'm quite liberal about killing or otherwise stopping Glassfish often during development. I've had a good streak lately where I haven't had to do this much but a good shutdown or kill seems to help Glassfish a lot when it loses its mind.

At the first sign of trouble my pattern is usually:

- `asadmin list-applications` to see if the war file is deployed
- `asadmin undeploy dataverse`
- `asadmin stop-domain` (kill -9 if necessary)
- `asadmin start-domain`
- `asadmin deploy path/to/dataverse.war`*

It's possible that you're not seeing any logging because an old war file is still deployed.

I hope this helps! Please feel free to ping me in if you're still having trouble!


* I actually do this with Netbeans these days on Mac due to

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Aug 18, 2016, 6:26:09 AM8/18/16
to Dataverse Users Community,
From the linked issue I understand I need `sudo asadmin` for stop/start-domain (would need sudo for jsp in the kill9 script too), having the order of commands right too, I seem to get rid of the mess and the web-ui now reacts as one should expect: requiring a fresh login after following the un/re-deploy procedure above.

However I still don't see the fine logging I added to the refactored classes, despite set-log-leves in asadmin.

> I'm not sure why you're trying to create a file.

At DANS we grew happy by using vagrant to develop our major systems.
  1. Each developer has an identical environment to work with and we don't need answers like 'whatever floats your boat'  as everyone has the same environment.
  2. Developers also have a separate environment for each system contributing to.
Just for debugging we launch a client or service from our IDE using resources from the vagrant.

Rather than an extra step to replace a war, we might feel better with creating vagrant instances with a local dvinstall. It would make us less dependent on having our enhancements accepted in your own time line and we can also test the full round-trip of our changes.

Philip Durbin

Aug 18, 2016, 9:51:13 AM8/18/16
The summary is that the "bump up the logging level" example I posted at seems to be working. Great!

With regard to and Vagrant, if that's working for you (`make` on scripts/installer/Makefile), that's great. I think I'd like to see the project move toward more deployment automation not within Vagrant (which is still useful for many things) but rather to having *any* branch on *any* fork of Dataverse easily deployable to the cloud. I'm looking at for ideas but I'm thinking AWS, Heroku, or whatever is friendly to Java EE, Postgres, Solr, and the other components (including optional ones) that make up Dataverse: . Anyway, right now setting up a VM to host Dataverse is a bit of a manual effort at IQSS and we only have so many VMs to which we can deploy branches we're working on. This issue at is related. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas in this area, please start a new thread or ping me in chat. :)

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Joke Pol

Aug 18, 2016, 10:14:22 AM8/18/16
> Anyway, right now setting up a VM to host Dataverse is a bit of a manual effort at IQSS and we only have so many VMs to which we can deploy branches we're working on. This issue at is related. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas in this area, please start a new thread or ping me in chat. :)

We deploy virtual boxes on our own macs. Switching between one instance and another (when having to switch between projects/branches) is quite quick. Jan opted for a private github repository so I have to check to communicate details.

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